COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

People who regularly saw children getting crippled from Polio didn’t fuck around with anti-vax nonsense. I know I’ve posted about this before, but in between the Silent Generation to the Zoomers we’ve had ~a full generation of people in the first world with no experience dealing with terrifying disease outbreaks and that’s probably skewed how people see the risk/benefits of vaccines. Well, okay, there was AIDS but that got swept under the rug because society didn’t care much if gay people were dying off. Anyway, it’s hard to imagine people in the 1930s refusing to get a diphtheria vaccine because they were worried about their kids getting autism or whatever.


Yea, that’s what I was told. Like there was never any thoughts about not taking the polio vaccine…

… However, I was more asking about what the logistics of distribution looked like for it compared to the clusterfuck of the distribution of the covid vaccine.

I grew up in a small town where there were two people who had polio as kids and were greatly affected for the rest of their lives. I am old enough to remember getting the polio vaccine in school. It was administered via sugar cubes. Being a little kid, I cannot remember (or never knew) about the logistics or specifics of the distribution of the vaccine.

Doesn’t everyone get the polio vaccine?

They wouldn’t offer it to you if your risk wasn’t sufficient. And you have other reasons beyond that. Get it and don’t give it a second thought.

I also don’t think you’re “competing”. Based on what I’ve heard in other places, when they offer it to a certain group, they have enough to vaccinate the entire group. Did you get information to suggest otherwise?

So the only people you might be competing with are people who have put into a lower risk group than you. I suppose you can feel bad if you have good reason to believe that either you or they have been incorrectly categorized. I’d be surprised if that is the case.

Not sure if you are asking me or what you are asking.

You said you were old enough to remember getting the polio vaccine in school. Is that not normal? IDK.

I think that if COVID crippled people instead of killing them, we would probably take this much more seriously than we are. But still less seriously than we should.


I mean Covid IS crippling people. There are tons of people out there that haven’t recovered despite having Covid 6-8 months ago.


I can just relate my personal experience in the late 1950’s when the vaccine was relatively new. I don’t think my daughter got a polio vaccine in school (or any other vaccines) but I am not positive.


Oh ok! I don’t remember too many vaccination shots. I’m guessing I got them when I was to young to remember. I vaguely remember something in kindergarten but I have no idea what it was.

I get that, but it not exactly the Polio type of literal crippling. That is far more dramatic. Also it’s a fairly rare complication. If instead of 300K deaths we had 300K literal cripples, I think it would be different.


Yea I have a mid 30s healthy friend who had it in the Spring and is basically crippled from nervous system issues. Severe tremors and just unable to coordinate motor functions and very limited signs of improvement. She cannot walk without a walker and a helper.


I found out today that my deplorable aunt’s side of the family is lobbying my 80s extremely high risk grandparents not to take the vaccine. Luckily my grandparents aren’t listening.

What could possibly be the rational for not taking it in that demographic? Worried about the long term effects in your 80s lol? Nah it must just be the microchip or the mark of the beast.


Sorry dawg, but the Sad Hotel is already booked with people who weren’t members of the American Nazi Party.


Polio vaccine still required for preschool and school in Illinois. I know that polio is considered eradicated in most of the world including the US.

Nearly 50% of all covid tests taken in the Czech Republic on Monday came back positive.

They actually adjusted the system they use to assess the situation because it was getting worse than what was measured.

Canada has 15k deaths. Something near half the US rate. New Zealand has 25 deaths.

I had a friend at one of the places I worked who had polio. He grew up in Mexico and was probably born in the late 50s. He had a limp.

Israel has about 25% as many people vaccinated as the US with about 2.5% the population.