COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

More effective because if you tell people to follow “strict protocols” to prevent child → parent transmission, most people won’t follow them. It’s better to not invite COVID into the house.

Its a real thing. The Canadian Charter deals with this for example.

But in the context it is very stupid. The rights are designed to prevent governments from unlawfully detaining people, not to guarantee vacations in the Dominican Republic.

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I obviously don’t want the virus to stick around but if the sane people keep getting boosters and are relatively low risk while the aggressively stupid and selfish people insist on weeding themselves out the population every year… well, that’s fine with the devil on my shoulder.

Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

  1. Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.
  2. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.

The concept is real. Dr. Drew’s application of it is not. In any case, Article 29 says:

  1. In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society.

No rights are absolute. An unfettered right to travel across state borders is an affront to the public order and general welfare.

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I saw this today, so you all have to now to. Ruined my damn day.

These days I play poker, but my academic area of interest a long time ago was political science, with interests in public opinion and political philosophy. I regret that I didn’t try harder to be a lawyer or an academic.

I don’t always know this stuff off the top of my head, but I remember it exists and I know how to look for it online.

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Plus, Dr. Drew is just wrong that requiring immunizations to travel would be some crazy novel thing. There are plenty of historical examples where travelers had to provide immunization records. Currently, the example that comes to mind is Yellow Fever (but most of those countries are in Africa, so maybe they don’t matter to Drew).

And if you want to immigrate to the US as a lawful resident you have to show proof of vaccination for like a dozen different diseases. Obviously not the same as simple holiday travel, but still instructive.

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In Canada it would all be covered under the reasonable limits clause of the Charter. Good luck arguing a right to leave. If you’ve already snuck out you likely have a right to re-enter, subject to quarantine or whatever reasonable safeguards they set up.

You’d really think Drew would have learned the first time but he will do anything for a nickel.

I have one of these. I have had to show it to enter a country.



MA access better than I thought should get an appointment link 2nd day eligible. Will see how far out the appointment is, but bodes well for the general roll out in two weeks. Maybe we will at least short circuit the upcoming surge before it becomes a total disaster

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Not enough Nobel prizes for this and what it’s going to mean for medicine.

of course one could wonder what kind of undetectable shenanigans someone like Putin could pull with mRNA technology.


holy shit! I thought this could happen, but holy shit.

i admit i liked him too. then i watched the rehab show and realized he’s a hack.

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For a disease as tricky as AIDS has been to vaccinate against, isn’t there a big difference between “generates antibody response” and “effective vaccine”?

Yet to be proven, but they specifically went after an antigen that they think will produce antibodies that do that.

Well, people with HIV infection definitely make antibodies – it’s a way to test for HIV. But I’ve got to assume that this wouldn’t be reported if the antibodies weren’t effective ones.

Quick look it seems maybe

1 bare faced
2 chin diaper
3 actual ducking mask