COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Who’s in that one image with a guy pointing at a calendar - that one of the 2p2 mods always used to signify a poster is banned? I think he’s wearing a jean jacket. Calendar has some days crossed off. Maybe red Xs. Looks like Eric Bogosian but apparently not.

It’s from Kill Bill. Google Calendar Time for Buddy.

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Just got the vaccine. I was extremely nervous as I have had some horrible allergic reactions to medications before and I have some PTSD from that. Was super quick process at a Rite-Aid. Glad it’s out of the way. Already scheduled for second shot on 4/20.


So, is one Pfizer shot better than the J&J shot?

Can’t say with certainty, but there’s actual RCTs for the J&J over much longer periods of time.

What are RCTs?

Randomized Controlled Trials.


I’m not seeing any evidence in my area that the number of vaccinations per day is ramping up. In an area of about 600,000, the local newspaper is generally reporting about 3,000 shots per day. And its been like that for weeks. Our number of cases and hospitalizations goes up and down but overall is holding pretty steady. It’s Florida though, so who knows? I guess my point is that if there’s an increase in vaccinations, it hasn’t happened here yet. And at this pace, herd immunity is many months away.

Wednesday poll:

Where are you in the COVID vaccine timeline?
  • Over 2 weeks since second shot.
  • Got second shot less than 2 weeks ago.
  • In between first and second shot.
  • Have appointment for first shot.
  • Eligible, but unable to find appointment.
  • Still waiting to be declared eligible (US)
  • Still waiting to be declared eligible (non-US)

0 voters


Can change my vote in about 15 hours though.


Of course I just got an email from the county with an appt opportunity for tomorrow.

We are actually going to fly. I get companion tickets every year. And have three banked because of covid. With the chihuahua on bed rest we are trying to make the trip as short as possible so 8 hour drive with potential for one or both of us having strong reaction didn’t seem like a good idea. The thought of having a bad 24 hours in a hotel…

We have a pet sitter coming in for the dogs overnight.


I guess the good news is that vaccinated people aren’t getting sick or dying.

Saw 2 vaccinated deaths reported in King County. Both over 80 and in poor health.

I guess they’ve never said the vaccines were 100% effective in terms of contracting the virus. Were these two deaths from Covid-related pneumonia? Or anything that can be pinned on covid directly?

Still under investigation. There have been vaccinated deaths reported before, the number is still exceedingly low though. The number of post vaccine positives dont seem out of line with expected vaccine effectiveness (or efficiacy, whatever, if you care figure out the right word) from trials.

Right. My deplorable friend who sent me the story is using it to justify NOT getting the vaccine. Ugh.

Yeah, it is unfortunate these are being reported as breathless news stories. If the surprise positives arent creating unvaccinated clusters or creating severe illness might be half good news.


Rewerts said three of her family members who were also fully vaccinated contracted it as well. “One of my family members actually went to the hospital,”

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I signed up for California’s MyTurn website about a month ago when my wife was scheduled for her first vaccine appointment and just got a confirmation email today. Doesn’t make me all that hopeful I’ll be able to get vaccinated in April.

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