COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

We already require documentation of vaccinations for other stuff?

No comprende.

Just create a Vaccine Passport/ Gun License document two-in-one and be done with it.

When Trump wins in 2024 we will have a whole host of new required vaccines by 2026.

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It is definitely not an off-the-reservation suggestion that maybe it escaped from the Wuhan lab. It was all very well when they were making confident pronouncements like “oh yeah it originated in this wet market” and “probably from a pangolin”, but now things have reverted back to pure ASCII shrug emoji we should reconsider.

The lab is not merely in Wuhan, it’s just around the corner from the wet market where the outbreak was first detected (edit: not as close as I thought, it’s about 10 miles away). Under the supposition that it escaped from the lab, chances are extremely high that it would first be detected in that area. Under the theory it’s a natural outbreak, it’s a moderately remarkable coincidence. Wuhan has something like 2.8% of the population of the top-50 cities in China, all of which have over 2 million people. It’s also 1,000 miles away from the presumed source of the virus, meaning the caves in Yunnan province. What are the chances a naturally occurring outbreak would be detected not merely in Wuhan, but in close proximity to the only BSL-4 lab in China, where they are known to study coronaviruses? One in several hundred, maybe?

In a vacuum, a novel coronavirus outbreak is much likelier to have originated naturally than in a lab mishap. Several hundred times likelier? Not so sure about that.


Hard to predict how Covid and variants will evolve – scientist

Prof Peter Openshaw, a member of the government’s New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group (Nervtag), says it is difficult to predict what will happen next with the evolution of coronavirus and new variants.

He tells BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “What we really find hard to anticipate is in what way it’s going to evolve over the next few months, and particularly over the next winter, and how secure we’re going to be in terms of the level of immunity that’s been built up not only through vaccination, but also through natural infection in different parts of the world.”

Asked whether the worst-case scenario could potentially involve vaccinated people becoming ill from Covid-19 again due to the variants, Prof Openshaw says the evidence scientists had showed vaccines or immunity from previous infection was “very efficient at protecting against severe disease”.

However, he says there is “some concern” certain variants could be able to “replicate and pass from person to person" in those who have been vaccinated with the original vaccines developed to combat the strain first identified in Wuhan.

He adds: “So we need to move with all speed with the next generation of vaccines, which are now based on what is now proven technology but are using the new sequences of the viruses that are emerging, which are of concern.”

4 covid vaccine reaction complaints (all mild) today. Going to take that as a good thing. Also saw one of the covid toes for the first time, think that blacks out my bingo card. Annoying thing is that I can’t even talk about my craziest covid scenarios, would violate hipaa.

I’ll even spot them ‘everyone else is doing it (exploiting workers) so if I tried to do anything different I’d get destroyed’. That’s true enough even though it isn’t fully true.

But motherfucker if everyone in the industries costs go up you’ll be able to either keep prices the same and push more volume or raise prices and keep volume the same. Restaurant lobby types who resist higher labor costs for all are huge assholes.

Raise the price of a plate 2 bucks and suddenly the labor costs will make sense again.


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I like free stuff.

God damn so many people I know are apprehensive about or straight up not getting the vaccine because “reasons.”

One girl was genuinely asking me yesterday how it was safe when daily mail is reporting deaths after getting the vaccine and the msm is “quiet about it.” I looked at the daily mail one and the source is complete garbage.

It does look like there’s been one or two mysterious deaths after getting vax that almost certainly had nothing to do with the vax itself.

I’ve had a few of these conversations lately and the only thing I can come up with is saying “look, the possible long term effects of getting covid are unknown and what we do know is kind of scary. Half a million people (and likely way more) are dead in the USA. Your odds are much much higher of dying or having complications from covid than from a bad vaccine reaction. Please get vaccinated.”

I’m not sure how well it’s working but I think I mightve convinced one of them.

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How many people got Astrazenica in the US and how many had complications? In Germany they start to limit the recipients again.

The logic of being afraid of the vaccine while not being afraid of the virus escapes me totally.


It still hasn’t been approved here afaik, so it’d only be people in the trials. I don’t know how many that is, but I’d estimate 10-20k tops, and probably very few side effects.

It’s not logic. It’s tribalism.

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The UK has adminstered 33m doses of vaccine to 30m people and we only use 2 (AZ and Pfizer). I’d guestimate 70% are the Oxford University AZ vaccine. UK doing up to 844k doses a day and we only have the Daily Mail reporting the one severe outcome since Dec 2020.

There’s no logic. It’s dumb. But I have a hard time explaining why without being condescending or irritated. It’s especially hard to get people to think about things in a statistical way when they see something some moron posted in a facebook group about how so and so died after getting the vaccine.

I tried to tell one of them that there are a lot of bots and trolls on fb whose main job is to spread vaccine misinformation. For some reason that was more fantastical to them than the fact there is somehow a global conspiracy that’s been hiding vaccination reactions/deaths.

But is that normal that the numbers from other countries with far less astra vaccinations have much higher complication rates?

But it is tinfoil hat shit. Sure, you don’t need to trust our government. I didn’t trust a lot of what was coming out of the CDC under the trump administration (and rightly so). You don’t need to trust pharmaceutical companies. What we have is GLOBAL data showing this is safe and effective. You just need to trust this data. It would take a massive, global conspiracy to hide bad vaxx reactions on a scale that would be unprecedented in human history. And why? What would be the motive? For a few companies to be enriched by sales of a vaccine that either doesn’t work or is dangerous?

It doesn’t take a lot of critical thinking to come to the conclusion that the logical thing is to trust the data and the science. This thing has been out for what, 6 months now? We haven’t had widespread reports of bad reactions and/or deaths by now. Unless this thing gives you cancer in 25 years, for all intents and purposes it is safe and it’s absolutely tin foily to question it.

I have tried to use analogies like yours. It goes over their heads. We are talking extremely low info people compared to the ones here. In fact, even one of my friends that got the vaxx (That I warned repeatedly about how full effects take a few weeks) is in vegas less than 8 days after receiving his first pfizer dose. Just lol.

It’s a losing battle but I think I got at least 1 person to go get it today. So I am happy.


NY opened vaccination to anyone 30+ so I’ve got an appointment for next Tuesday, about an hour away. Return 3 weeks later for second shot. Pfizer.


It is, but I can’t place my finger on how exactly. Both my sisters are complete opposite sides of the political spectrum, and both not getting it for the exact same reason - concerns about fertility or something.

Can confirm that multiple people I know are somehow “on the fence” about getting the vaccine. This surprises me greatly. Absolutely not Trumpers. Couple getting close to anti-vax ideas, others just worried we haven’t tested anough.

Perhaps not surprisingly, these folks (a couple of them anyway) have been among those MOST worried about covid and most likely to adopt strict protocols.

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A large minority of people I know are not eager to get vaccinated. None of them are Trumpy. None are hippies either.