COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

At least he got the Occam’s Razor part right.


I don’t know if it was studied with Moderna specifically, but with AZ and plenty of other vaccines, your long term effectiveness is higher if you space them out further. I’d just have friend get another first and then talk to her doctor about whether she really needs a third.

Was there even science in the first place?

Iirc directly it’s like a century old originally. How far does sputum go type of idea.

Of course it’s all about ventilation with covid but I don’t think the cdc and who have caught up to that yet.

Put 225 on the bar for the first time this morning and got 2 reps.

Oh and also got my first Jab of Pfizer today.


By the poll above, looks like I’m in the one-quarter of people who want a shot but can’t make an appointment right now. Fraction is probably less if you isolate it to Americans. Finally a minority in this country. It does indeed suck.


Your body telling you “fuck around and find out buddy.”


Beat: Oregon announced today that the email MrsWookie got for the vaccine was sent in error.
Brag: They’ll still honor all appointments made.
Variance: This error was made over 11000 times, lol.


Jfc. Can anyone see behind this paywall? Is this the same moron from a few weeks ago? His math is entirely fucked up.

Different person I believe.

I dont really get these herd immunity arguments. Obviously given case numbers and trends we ain’t there.

In my fantasy he is sitting in a chair over a trap door to the pit of despair and come May 1 or June 1 and if we are having a surge the door opens.

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Would be even more impressive if you got the shot first.

Herd immunity is always right around the corner, just after another couple-few hundred thousand dead.

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Read an article yesterday that experts getting really worried about Brazil. If they dont get it under control there nobody knows what kind of mutations are breeding there.

About time someone is worried about uncontrolled spread and mutations. Been a topic here since the beginning.

Well, just woke up early to get in the queue on the Publix COVID site, as they apparently only open up appointments once a week. Waited about 20 minutes for it to tell me I could book and then…can’t book far enough out for my second shot. Would’ve been nice if the site warned me about that so I could’ve kept sleeping.

I’m not registered with a GP (UK doc) and getting this vaccine has led to a load of dead ends recently but talk of vaccine passports for the pub - I so want a pint - and a drop-off in expected 1st jab numbers after 29th Mar got me to the phones again …

1st jab booked for this Sunday (28th) - 2nd June 17th.

(Thanks to the chap on 119 who, when the system couldn’t find me, tried my postcode from 10+ years ago.)


Vermont opens for 60+ today.

Slowly getting to the magic number for me.


AstraZeneca has updated the efficacy result of its coronavirus vaccine trial in the US, after health officials insisted they wanted to include the latest information.

The Anglo-Swedish firm has now adjusted the efficacy rate of its vaccine from 79% to 76%.

Further data from the US trial showed efficacy among the over 65s rose from 80% to 85%.