COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

You had a good nurse don’t worry about it

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Georgia just announced all adults will be eligible for the vaccine starting Thursday. First major state to do so, afaik.

I think West Virginia announced the same, at least Governor did but it if good to hear.

Texas announced that today, too, but I think it goes into effect later, like the 29th.

I know vaccinations are what we all want to talk about, but I’m seeing some disturbing case numbers reported out of NY, MI, FL.

I don’t have it in to me to look into it though, so SHIP DEM SHOTS I guess.

Yeah, we have another surge coming. How bad it gets TBD. I stopped really following the numbers months ago when it became clear that we aren’t going to do anything about it even in blue states (also MA goalpost moved what the numbers meant to make them look better, so trying to pick through longer-term trends became very difficult).

Hunker down, wait for the shots, hope they work. Otherwise eventually Im going to have to come out of hibernation and catch COVID multiple times. Cant do anything about it, so tried to stop worrying about it.

Exhibit A. We are going YOLO basically come hell or high water.

“COVID’s coming down, vaccine rates are going up,” New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said during a press conference last Thursday. “Start to look to the future aggressively, and let’s get back to life and living and get that economy running because it is safe. It is safe.”


Cool, so now it will be even more difficult to find an appointment.

(Yes, I am also happy that everyone can get vaccinated now.)

MrsWookie finally got an email from the OR vaccine program, and hooo boy did we observe a swing in emotions from thinking she could sign up for an appointment now to realizing that it was the email saying you’d be getting an email sometime that will let you sign up.


Yeah, real life imitates bad 90s sitcom:

OMFG. So Ohio drops their age to 40+ so the Mrs drives over this week and gets her first shot (yup 8 hours). Just a bit ago Independence Blue Cross calls and say they have a local appointment for her Friday. We didn’t fill anything out with them. She is 47 with mild asthma and know other qualifying conditions. Meanwhile Mr 56 with 30.2 BMI does not get called.

Cliffs wife goes 8 hours to get shot and immediately after a local appointment appears out of nowhere.


Googled first dose effectiveness and according to this article the data is pretty favorable.

My ex-mother-in-law had what doctors believe was a stroke the day after getting shot one, and both her emergency room docs and her family doctor have told her to go ahead and get shot two.

This seems fairly irresponsible to me but I am not a doctor.

I am. They’re right.


I don’t know how official all these dates are. Seems like this account has been trying to track all these openings, but I do know that the California date is based on an unofficial statement from Newsom, not a formal policy. YMMV


Shot one in arm (Pfizer). Wooooooo!


My wife was skeptical about it. She didn’t look and didn’t feel it and they didn’t give her a band-aid. She was relieved when her arm started getting sore later.

You may consider researching pony effectiveness.

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So how sure do you think they should be that the vaccine had nothing to do with her stroke for them to recommend her to get #2.

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