COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Yeah they need to figure out a system for walk-in vaccinations. They’re never going to reach 70 percent penetration rates when you have to navigate a complicated, buggy, English language website to get your vaccine.


It was always going to be this way.

Phase 1: Truly vulnerable populations
Phase 2: Privileged white people
Phase 3: Everybody else

Yes, in geographies with open appointments, they need to start preparing for walk-in vaccinations. This is going to be a widespread problem outside urban areas in like 2 weeks.

ETA: per vaccine spotter, there are once again Wal-Marts in rural south GA with a full slate of same-day vaccine appointments, and yet not a single appointment available within 80 miles of Atlanta in the next week. Insanity.




Seems like it’s the urban areas that have the problem. Probably because rural areas are full of people who don’t want the vaccine.

Things were quite disorganized at CVS.

Don’t care, got jabbed.


Covid-19 reinfections growing in the Czech Republic, experts say

The number of coronavirus reinfections appears to be increasing in the Czech Republic, a state health institute says.

Czech’s National Institute of Public Health said 1,456 cases of possible Covid-19 reinfections have been identified since the pandemic began.

“The reinfection rate is growing because of the significant number of Covid-19 cases during the autumn wave,” the institute said in a statement.

The institute said it defined a reinfection as a confirmed, symptomatic case of Covid-19 that occurs 60 days or more after an initial infection.

“The interval between the first and second episode of the disease was in the range of 68 to 359 days,” says Marek Maly, a researcher at the institute.

Researchers say coronavirus reinfection is uncommon but still possible. Because Covid-19 hasn’t been around that long, it is not clear how long immunity lasts if you have been infected.

But a recent study led by Public Health England (PHE) showed most people who have had the virus are protected from catching it again for at least five months.

You can read our Covid immunity explainer here for more context.

Just got my second Pfizer shot. Waiting the 15 minutes. My arm is a little sore this time didn’t notice anything last time but I rarely notice mild side effects because I have too much going on.

Still planning on keeping my head down for the foreseeable future. Haven’t been Anywhere but doctors/hospital in a year.

I do sigh a mild bit of relief right now.


If I lived in Kauai I would support eating outside every meal every day.

I live in Texas and don’t support eating any meal outside on any day.

Also agree with micro. I realize that I don’t have a desire for a “restaurant experience” at all.

What interface are you using? I keep checking My Turn and see the occasional spot open in a Mega-POD - but that’s it

Just came across this on TikTok.

Pharmacist calling out and reporting pharmacy tech in Illinois who stole vaccination documents to falsify for her and her husband.

This AM there were all kind of openings at the LAFD clinics, and an absolute shitload at CVS locations all over the place.

Underrated part of eating outside sucking is the wind.


Maybe if they ever open again I’ll post some evidence that actual Parisian pavement eating locations aren’t a million miles away from those as hoc Californian ones up thread. Though those of us who eat there are a hardier bunch than you snowflakes, it seems.

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Got the Pfizer stab today at a cvs in so cal. Found out that a close friend who I’ll probably travel with soonish got the same in Mich. 45 minutes prior. Mid 40s with diabetes, figured i had waited long enough and was able to find an appointment via cvs site at 4am on sunday that was 20 mins away in an industrial part of long beach.



They wanted to see my id and insurance card (not sure if mandatory). BTW, was 25 minutes late because i went to the same address, 311 W PCH, one city over by mistake. It wasn’t an issue. I waited behind 4 other people for the one nurse doing injections.

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Probably hurt Trump and further discredited the GOP among thinking people.

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I tried this “my turn” or whatever site twice, showed no appointments within 50 miles or whatever. Tried the cvs site and got an appointment 15 mi away for two days later.

So, I’m pretty sure I was vaccinated, but i didn’t actually watch and didn’t feel anything. The nurse told me I was and she seemed credible. What would one call a person who is skeptical about whether they had actually been vaccinated?


Schroedinger’s jab?


Wife just got her appointment for next Monday. That will make 3/4 of us. Hopefully use for 13 year olds comes before the school year