COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Much less Trump as well since COVID.


Iā€™ve said this before, as have others Iā€™m sureā€“our response to COVID has also made me incredibly pessimistic regarding things like universal healthcare or universal basic income. If a fucking pandemic couldnā€™t convince our country to give everyone healthcare access or a basic amount of money to stay home, how the fuck will we ever get it in the future during normal times? Itā€™s like the indifference to death gets amplified by the realization that this was our chance to make things better ahead of the next crisis and all we did was argue about masks and freedom.



? It seems like weā€™ve normalized the idea of the government giving everyone money to help with the rent. Dems just need to learn that they can do this in non-pandemic times and it will be super popular.


Iā€™m not sure how you guys managed to watch a deranged personality cult take over the country in 2016 and were also shocked to see Fox News pushing COVID truther idiocy. Totally seems like it tracks imo.

Speaking of positives, when do we get the drumbeat of how much we are saving on Medicare and social security due to thinning the herd of olds?

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They can only do it during pandemic times because running a deficit 10% of GDP once a decade isnā€™t nearly as big a deal as 10% every year.

I wish I had your optimism. I donā€™t think this has been normalized at all, and I donā€™t think Dems will learn that they can do this to be popular. The Democratic party negotiated against itself to reduce payments and reduce the number of recipients during a once-in-a-lifetime event; why would we expect them to do it again during a non-pandemic time?

I agree with your other post; I donā€™t think anyone was shocked to see truther idiocy. I had incorrectly assumed (hoped) that the sheer number of deaths would break through the wall of idiocy but that hope was dashed very early on during this pandemic.

I have a feeling we can find ways to pay for it.

I feel this way too.

Itā€™s like the Newtown shooting. If we canā€™t get any gun legislation passed after a bunch of dead 6-year olds, how will we ever?

We wonā€™t.

Black gunmen killing white people?


I donā€™t know about hate, but I almost never do it when given the option. But Iā€™m sure weā€™re in the minority on this issue.

Seems like a strange take to me. Obviously inside is better if outside is really cold or really hot or itā€™s raining, etc, but if I have to choose between sitting inside in 70-degree HVAC climate and sitting outside on a 70-degree day Iā€™m choosing outside 11/10 times. The same probably holds down to maybe 65 degrees and up to maybe 80 degrees, with some possibility outside that range.

Or, in MS Paint version:

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Yeah, itā€™s definitely an unconventional preference Iā€™ve got.

If the weather is absolutely perfect, Iā€™m at best 25% to choose to eat outside.

I donā€™t know if covid will change this, but Iā€™ve always had a slight preference to eat inside because, even though there are comparatively very few bugs around here, I donā€™t want bugs on my food. Itā€™s just way more likely to have to be shooing a fly around if youā€™re outside.

The idea of eating in a restaurant seems weird to me now. I have virtually no desire to do it either.


I think there are only 2ish countries I would think have a good chance of accepting foreign visitors by then: UK and Israel, due to their excellent vaccinations. Theyā€™re likely to have this tamped down and be willing to accept other visitors who can prove vaccination. Given how slow to vaccinate countries like Germany and France, which had been so sensible at the start of the pandemic, are now, I would not count on going there.

Some good news:


Not the Navajo, but tribes in OK opened up vaccination to anyone in OK - tribe member or not.

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This is an addition rather than a correction to the tweet I posted? If so, thatā€™s also great news!