COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

I was able to get an appointment for my first shot on Friday at some CVS in NLV. NV is open to 16 + with health issues. Being fat helps. Cancelling my Saturday appointment because I made before I was eligible.


The vaccine efficacy rate, I think, is how much less likely you are to contract covid than you would have if you hadn’t been vaccinated. That rate is never 100%. So, 95% vaccine efficacy means something less than 5% chance you contract it upon exposure. I think.

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I edited my post to be more precise, as what I said was wrong. But, your definition is also wrong. The efficacy number comes from if you have N vaccinated people and N unvaccinated people, and X vaccinated and Y unvaccinated people get sick, then the effectiveness is 1-X/Y. The math can be adjusted for unequal populations, but the illustration is clearer when equal. It’s a population level statistic, not an individual one.

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Agreed. But this was a hypothetical scenario in which we assumed damages due to the vaccine.

I don’t know what is more likely to be filed or likely to win, but I could see some suits by parents who didn’t want their kids vaccinated, but someone did it without their approval - like the kid LFS is talking about and her crazy mom.

On another subject, I met a dude today, 60+ years old…homeowner said, hold on they will get their mask, this dude says “I don’t worry about that. I have something called an immune system”. He’s a contractor, meeting with a homeowner and should be in a position here to be as flexible as he can be. There are going to be a lot of unvaccinated people.

But even in that case, like jman said, they would have to show damages. I guess they could claim severe emotional distress or some bullshit like that.

Unless you’re saying that they get the vaccine without parental approval and then they have an adverse reaction of some significance (very unlikely, of course). I think in that case they would be screwed as well if they skipped the ID check.

I’ve been working on a list of things that covid actually improved. Note these are things almost all people would agree are objectively good. Not stuff like “introverts have an excuse to stay home now”.

  1. Soap dispensers in public bathrooms are always full
  2. More outdoor dining
  3. Working from home/less traffic (not 100% good though)
  4. No school shootings for a while

What am I missing?

Dunno what the damages are, but like, you understand why LFS was like “Ok, I don’t want to know about this”.

Much less flu this year.


Covid sucks, but it would have been a lot easier to deal with and live through without all the aggressive stupidity from the political right. It’s bad enough to have to basically pause your life, and more importantly your kids lives, for a full year, it’s much much worse to have to do so while the absolute worst people ever are actively encouraging idiotic behavior that causes hundreds of thousands of deaths.


I hate outdoor dining. What’s the point of an HVAC system if you’re not going to use it?

Temporary, but CO2 emissions were down 6% in 2020. 2 billion fewer tons of CO2 in the atmosphere.

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I think I missed the crazy mom story.

International travel is really iffy probably for the rest of the year. I personally wouldn’t travel anywhere right now that I couldn’t drive home from. You don’t want to get stuck somewhere with covid or in quarantine where you can’t get home.

It’s been a while but someone needs to update the Herman Cain smiling form the clouds jpg and include this dude.


The complete indifference of at least a third of the population to 10 Vietnam Wars because of Fox News and Facebook was not something I thought possible, and is incredibly depressing.


It’s wonderful here. LA is like Paris now. Sort of.

Oh yeah another one somewhat related - suddenly all those BS rules like you can’t serve beer outside unless there’s a 4’ rail around the dining area don’t matter anymore.


I’m sticking with domestic travel only this year and then hitting abroad next year.