COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants


24 hours in. I can tell I got a shot in my arm. I would say sore even. Nothing else.

In other good news


But remember kids 94% is not 100% so keep your masks on for now.


isn’t this the fourth or fifth thing to come out on this? Germ theory still holds!

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My arm is mildly sore. The people who gave my wife the shot said it’s better to move it a lot.

Did she already have COVID before?

My arm hurt a lot but it already went away. I feel very fatigued though.


Building out schools and hiring more teachers across the country so that kids can sit six feet apart sure is expensive… I know, we’ll just change the science!


Vermont released the rest of the age bands today. Hopefully I’ll actually be able to get an appointment not too soon after April 5.


Michigan is starting to look like it’s headed for a new surge. 7DMA has increased from ~1,000 to ~2,500 in the last month. It’s unclear to me why; they’ve probably had better social distancing than most red states. Worth keeping an eye on.

wasn’t there something posted in the past few days about outbreaks in schools?

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Yeah, iirc it didn’t seem particularly rigorous though? Like “the outbreak has been disproportionate school aged children” or something.

Scheduled my first shot for Tuesday. Turns out I am eligible because of a heart condition.


Congrats Vermont, you are behind Florida who just opened to 50+


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Made it home just now. Feel good. Playing singles tennis tomorrow 48 hours post shot.


No. I mean, neither of us have been tested, so we can’t be 100% sure, but it’s unlikely.

Her anxiety told her she might have caught the variant that’s been ripping through town right before getting the vaccine, but she happened to have an appointment yesterday morning with her endocrinologist, who told her that the symptoms are just the vaccine working. She’s feeling a bit better today, so hopefully we don’t have to worry much longer.

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This woman is ruining my good (uncommon) name.

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The way that quote is explained fully in the article is a lot better. Still objectionable in some ways, but nearly as much as I originally thought.