COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants


is their thesis, then

is an incredibly bad way to say it.

Most people equate “prevent” with “reduce” in this context.

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Yeah I’m a massive layman and even I could see that. Absolutely ridiculous.

Just utterly irresponsible, click-baity bs.


US had

ScreenHunter_1978 Mar. 02 20.51

UK variant first announced c. 13th Dec and known to be in US max 3 weeks later.

Most vaccines probably won’t prevent transmission

but there are some early indications that both the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and the Oxford-Astrazeneca vaccine can reduce transmission. There are some early hints that other vaccines may be able to stop it entirely


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Pfizer / AZ REDUCE transmission

Sputnik may be able to stop it entirely

US only bothered by Moderna & Pfizer. I posted Moderna results a whole 24 hrs ago so scroll up.

No real life tests done on J&J yet (Euros not bothered about J&J)

Ergo, most vaccines probably won’t prevent transmission

Literally, wat?


My wife is a vendor for grocery stores in Santa Clara County and she was able to sign up for her first shot through Kaiser yesterday.


The search for an individual infected with the Covid variant first found in Brazil has narrowed to 379 households in south-east England, Health Secretary Matt Hancock has said.

He said the batch of home testing kits in question had been identified and each household was being contacted.

It is one of six cases of the P.1 variant found in the UK in February.

Mr Hancock told MPs the UK’s current vaccines had not yet been tested against this variant.

But work is already under way to tweak the vaccines to make them a better match for some of these new “variants of concern”.

Updated vaccines could be ready within months, enabling people to get a booster shot in the autumn.

Preliminary data from Manaus - the Amazonian city hit hard by the P.1 variant - suggest it is more contagious and may evade immunity provided by past Covid infection.

This raises questions about how well current vaccines, which were designed around earlier versions of the virus, might work.

Anyway, this seems bad:

Yeah, IMHO it is why it is endemic and IMHO prime suspect for where the New Zealand case they couldnt find the origin for came from.

I’m predicting a boost in tourism to Texas. I know several people who have made COVID era trips down there to play poker.


Mississippi has joined Texas in defeating COVID. Big day for USA#1

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I wonder if this is including the J&J vaccine or if the J&J vaccine approval will just further increase supply.

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All of this vaccines prevent transmission. Just garbage

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Mississippi has joined the party.