COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

and the 30% is based off 8 February numbers… almost two doubling periods of 10 days since those numbers.

I suspect the 8 Feb latest update may be the last for Helix. Hope not though.

Data-driven predictions require hard data, which is exceedingly hard to come by. We’re still argle-baffling over how effective our vaccines are to fight regular COVID, teasing out all these mutations in real-time is going to be a job and a half.

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Srsly? I was not predicting that there was going to be a new pandemic in February 2022, I was implying that the same thing that happened in February 2020 is happening now.

I think only I checked out the first book of The Hunger Games. I don’t remember. Was the prose filled with dramatic adverbs?


“All ages… except for a whole lot of highly relevant ages that would be the only new ages to test” is a highly disappointing headline.

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Well I get to register for a covid vaccine appointment starting Saturday. I won’t necessariliy get the appointment but I will be on the list to get one.

It’s AstraZeneca. So not the good one unfortunately. But it will provide extensive protection against a serious course of covid.

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What does the other one do?

Seriously, Germany and Belgium are leading the Euro muppetry by refusing the Oxford vaccine because it’s ‘only’ 90% effective 11 weeks after first dose - 5000 vaccination capacity at Belgian centres but only 200 take up a day because best to wait (for the UK variant) for Pfizer - like risk death for a few more weeks to be an extra x% covered, even though both will prevent serious outcomes.

I mean both are being redesigned for a booster against variants now, for booster in 6 months time anyway (Pfizers 95% was pre supercovid, Isreal still on curfew with UK variant arrival, even with 50% vaccinated)

I’ll let the Beeb know

But a vaccine passport faces opposition from some of the bloc’s 27 member states.

France and Germany say such documents could be premature because data on the efficacy of vaccines in preventing a person from carrying or passing on the virus is incomplete.

There are also concerns that enabling a vaccinated minority to enjoy foreign travel while others, such as young people who are not seen as a priority for inoculation, continue to face restrictions would be discriminatory.

The companies aren’t meeting the orders from the EU because other places ordered first and they’re getting prioritized. On top of that, the infrastructure to deliver the vaccines is almost non-existent in the Czech Republic.

As for AZ, I have little reason to complain. I’m getting a vaccine earlier than probably 80+% of the population of the Czech Republic. Sure it isn’t as effective as others but I’m lucky to get the first shot within a month of registering for an appointment at all.

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That’s because AZ Oxford can be kept in the GP’s fridge, Az doesn’t require the hospitals -70 deepfreeze. Ergo, that’s why you have been offered the vaccine (it’s why the US needs J&J but doesn’t realise yet… i.e. vaccine can come to you if refridgeration is all that’s required)

MA not worried about variants, we are OFB in March and OFS in April. We did it, we beat corona!

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I got a flu vaccine recently and my upper arm/shoulder area was sore for a couple of days.

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Dose 2 in the arm! First thing I’m doing is rejoining a gym and working off this quarantine 15 (more like 30. While masked obv). Wish my parents would hurry up and get theirs. Would be nice to go over to their place for dinner.


The first thing you’re doing is waiting 2 weeks until the 2nd dose is effective.


I get the criticism of the loosening of restrictions right now, but I don’t think you’re being entirely fair. Lots of people care about data driven predictions.

Beyond the ‘BUT SOMEBODY DOES’ bullshit argument, I don’t think there’s really a robust data driven prediction available right now. There’s just too many moving pieces. How in the world do you model new variants, changes in societal behavior in the face of vaccines and lockdown fatigue, vaccination rates/totals, and a current disease burden that’s still not completely known?

It was hard enough to begin with, and it feels like it has gotten orders of magnitude harder.


I’m looking forward to that as well after my second dose. I’m also looking forward to wearing a lighter weight mask than the RZ mask I’ve been wearing for the last year.

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Yeah I agree. I think we should be more cautious opening and/or some of these announcements will get rolled back, but where we go from here seems uncertain. Some bad potential variant paths for sure, but id be oretty humble about predictions for the next several months.

Yea 1 million percent this. I have some really comfy fabric masks from a tie maker in Vermont that are much more comfy than the N95 and RZ.

I saw an lol headline saying the Sox are going to allow fans for Opening Day while also maintaining Fenway as a vaccination site. Now that is certainly something.