COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Yeah, there are errors. Michigan is wrong too.

We eclipsed total US soldiers dead in 4 years of WW2 last month. We are now riding into the sunset to eclipse total us soldiers killed in any conflict in us history, when we pass civil war deaths probably sometime this summer.

Iā€™m in the canā€™t wait to take them off camp, but also donā€™t expect to for at least another year and thatā€™s if things go right. I donā€™t plan to regularly wearing a mask after all this is over. But definitely more staying home when sick, wearing a mask when ill if I canā€™t, keeping hand sanitizer with me etc.

I think many people have gotten so used to living like this that they are just accepting a baseline level of depression.

This fucking sucks. Human beings need social connections and things to look forward to. Itā€™s been an entire year and it will probably be another one. People are lonely. Kids are falling behind. To say nothing of how awful this is for poor people. Itā€™s really bad.


Our brains are wired to read faces. It is a tough adjustment.

I donā€™t know about other parts of the world but lolUSA will go back to normal very quickly. Too quickly Iā€™m sure.

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Unbelievable. Trump is gd murderer. So is every idiot Trumper.

I think a small minority might get in the habit of wearing masks in limited situations, for example on the subway during flu season. In Toronto this was actually fairly common pre Covid, but 100% of the time it was an east Asian immigrant. That behavior may be more common in the future.

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Thanks Biden!


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Youā€™re such a sheeple. Everyone knows Obama and Biden face switched in 2020. Do your own research.

I hate wearing masks but obviously I do it.

If weā€™re only advised to keep wearing them to protect anti vax dumb fucks, Iā€™m out on that.

Agreed it will be a small minority.

There should be a point where enough people are vaccinated that it becomes easier to give a small number of vulnerable people masks that are more effective at protecting the wearer than asking the entire population to wear masks that are meant to protect others.

And, sure, there are issues with whether the most vulnerable people can afford special masks, so letā€™s assume the government will cover the cost in arguing over whether we can switch gears like that at some point.

I wonder if masks in winter will stick around more. So much more comfortable being out in the cold weather with a warm nose and mouth.


I have to work in the office and Iā€™m 100% mask when I am not at my desk. Morons kept coming into the office with their plague when it was really obvious that they were sick. Turns out that even smart people are selfish and foolhardy af.

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As Iā€™ve said before I plan on wearing a mask in many situations from here on out, especially in flu season. I will certainly be a fastidious hand-washer forever. The flu kicks my ass annually even with the vaccine and I hate it.


There comes a point when the number of vulnerable people who want and need protection is diminished to the point where the desires of the majority becomes the dominant concern and we will end up shifting from everyone acting collectively to coming up with special protections that surround the most vulnerable.

Does that mean developing a mask that feeds oxygen to people with respiratory illnesses who canā€™t be vaccinated and government paying for that oxygen? I donā€™t know, but there is going to come a time when mask mandates end and I will probably not wear a mask when that time comes. That time should come after everyone who wants a vaccine has had a reasonable amount of time to get one. If we donā€™t reach herd immunity by that point, then we can talk about forced vaccinations.

We should give some thought to what sort of accommodations we want to give vulnerable people when that happen, but Iā€™m not really concerned with people with respiratory illnesses who canā€™t wear masks but can be vaccinated and refuse to be.

It already exists. My dad has been using this since July-ish. Seems to work well. I imagine a lot of the people that claim they canā€™t wear masks because of some health issue will quickly have a different excuse once offered an oxygen flow mask though.

Once everyone who wants a vaccine can get one, should we care about the people who refuse to wear masks?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

My kid seems to be getting considerably worse now locked in the house and really starting to wonder if we made the right decision or not to lockdown for an entire year. We have been in the .0001% of strictness (reheating takeout, not going to beaches/parks, I wonā€™t even roll the fucking window down curbside). I am afraid that they are going to be completely addicted to video games and have issues returning to school. Getting them to do anything else is a terror. They donā€™t even want to watch television. Also, they are outright refusing to go back to school at any point - saying that if they can do their online work in an hour, why do they have to sit in school all day long and saying that they are anti-social now and that they donā€™t miss their friends.

On one hand, it is amazing that USA#1 is getting the vaccines this fast (incredible achievement) but on the other hand, I have a massive hatred for American society as a whole and living in a country where you fucking hate everyone isnā€™t fun.

I also feel like I am becoming less liberal as this wears on. There was an article saying we need to prioritize vaccinating prisonersā€¦ I wasnā€™t feeling it at all.