COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Fact checking is so worthless. I used to think it was cool until I realized nobody who needs to hear a fact check will listen or care what they say anyways. Daniel Dale should probably point that out in every fact check. “Trump said for the 86th time in 2020 that Mexico was going to pay for the wall, that is false and also his supporters will overwhelmingly believe it no matter how many times I tweet about it” would be a little more useful.


Wouldn’t taskrabbit work? They wait in physical lines for people. Costs a lot less than $100/hr I think.

I think it would require some base knowledge of which sites and such. I have no idea how simple it is. I guess I’d hire a tasker that advertised they could do it, and in that case I’d pay a lot. If I was just hiring a random, then I’d pay less, because I figure they would spend at least some time trying to figure out the system.

Book your Covid vaccine and jump the line with Ticketmaster, $395 (US Only, no proof of receipt provided)

This indicates the vaccine is performing just as well in a larger population as it did in the clinical trials.

It is proving highly effective at preventing illness and severe disease among all age groups, according to public health doctor Prof Hagai Levine.

“High vaccination coverage of the most susceptible groups” was key, he said.

Israel’s largest health fund Clalit looked at positive tests in 600,000 vaccinated people and the same number of unvaccinated people, matched by age and health status.

It found 94% fewer infections among the vaccinated group.

But it “sends a message to other countries such as the UK” about the usefulness of the vaccine, said Prof Levine, and the need to get “very high” coverage of the groups most likely to become very ill from the virus.

He said he could not put a number on what proportion of the population would need to be immunised before restrictions could ease.

“We still don’t know what the impact is on transmission,” he said.

But we can say that, at least, “the vaccine is useful for personal protection”, he added.

Prof Eran Segal, who is analysing data for the Israeli Ministry of Health, suggested Israel had to vaccinate 80% of its over-60s before learning of its effect on Covid-19 cases.


The real right person to find is probably someone that made a bot to buy PS5s. Im not sure how the state sites are set up, but when they described the vaccine rollout it seemed to me like a potential lucrative case to move from monopolizing ps5 spots and selling on ebay to monopolizing vaccine slots and reselling them.

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People spend hours fucking around on this Internet forum but are debating outsourcing the job of doing a bunch of mouse clicks to get a vaccine for like 30 minutes? You can literally be doing something else on the computer and just keep going back to it every minute or so.

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The target market I had in mind wasn’t an unstuck user. Anyone who spends their days shitposting on unstuck would have no problem at all.

It was your typical rich Manhattanite.

Admittedly, I was not very clear on that.

I don’t know what the heck works. I cleared my browser and looked at probably 100 stores for nada today. This system is completely and totally FUBAR.

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Lol, ok I missed that. Yeah, I think there are ethical problems with doing that kind of job. It’s one thing to do this for your elderly friends and family who can’t figure it out for themselves (and I’ve done that a lot of late), it’s another entirely to turn a profit off of it, especailly since I don’t really think it’s the rich Manhattanites that would create a market for this.

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What state are you in?

I don’t even…

So someone I know drives for DoorDash in Vegas and got an email saying their drivers are now listed as essential workers and can sign up for the vaccine.

I was like wtf??? because she only started driving a few weeks ago, but she can now follow a link to sign up for her first dose.

So if anyone knows anything let’s go let’s go, but I’ll be signing up for DoorDash this evening and hope it gets me on the list :crossed_fingers:


Just scored the second dose. I guess people are having trouble making appointments here in the city but I’ve found the entire process easy. The system can absolutely be ramped up bc I walked in and out like they were waiting for me. Makes me super optimistic that we can get everyone who wants to be vaccinated a shot in the arm within a matter of weeks.


Delivery drivers are public facing and have been deemed essential workers during most COVID lockdowns, seems fine to me.

Looks like they’re opening some stores in the Czech Republic starting next week with some restrictions. Restaurants, bars and cafes are still closed obviously.

Schools are beginning to open March 1st pending availability of spit tests.

This seems bad:

I wish. I’m just hoping my 69 year old dad can make an appointment with in a few weeks.

It’s totally bonkers how variable this whole process is state by state.

My wife’s 65-70 year old mother and father (in TX and NJ, respectively) have both had their first shots already. Whereas in Vermont, my 71 year old mother isn’t even eligible to sign up until tomorrow.

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Well of course it’s easy for the King of NY. Us peons have a rougher time.



The state website gives you a map of locations to click on individually. All rite aid links take you to the same site where you have to answer status questions and then have to search each pharmacy one at a time. Other companies are similar.

There is a volunteer group called vaccinatePA that groups things by county and updates who is reported to taking appointments every few days.

I am registered on my counties site, but the waiting list is in the 100s of thousands.