COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

This is not a drastic increase, it’s peanuts

Eh I don’t like this comparison.

People like smoking weed enough to take the risk of punishment that comes with it.

Anti-vaxxers don’t really have an incentive to keep being anti-vaxxers once you introduce real consequences for it. At the very least they have less of one.

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Perth had a snap 5-day lockdown a week or two ago and now Melbourne is in the midst of one (ending Wednesday) but they look like they’re working. Perth didn’t have any new cases after the lockdown was imposed. Victoria had one new case yesterday on 25,000 tests.

It’s unclear what the cause of the New Zealand outbreak is but in Melbourne someone in a quarantine hotel was told they could bring in and use a nebulizer, which they are absolutely not supposed to do, the things are basically COVID-aerosolizing machines. There’s a lot of finger-pointing going on about how this was allowed to happen. Victoria and Australia got lucky here, one of the cases worked at a cafe in one of Melbourne Airport’s domestic terminals and apparently didn’t infect anyone. You can imagine what the consequences would have been if she’d engaged super-spreader mode.

Point is, I think these things are best understood as isolated incidents rather than being linked to the new strain or anything.

I don’t know, this doesn’t square with NY indicating it now has 20 percent more vaccines for the next three weeks then it had last week and also opening up a corresponding amount of vaccine appointments today.

They both were UK strain outbreaks irrc. My concern is that whatever was working before is now working slightly less well with the new strain and lockdowns will be needed more frequently to stamp out outbreaks or restrictions will have to tighten some from what has been allowed the last several months. We will see, hopefully just two random isolated incidents, but I get uneasy seeing outbreaks in controlled places so close together. Some place in Canada with low spread had a UK strain outbreak too this weekend (Newfoundland maybe?)

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!

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Who snitched?

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I like how the health official was like “some non-residents may have slipped through” lol. Slipped through the massive gaping holes I suppose. They weren’t even checking that you were from in the same state!

I figured the cat had to be outta the bag by now though. I’ll have to check and see if any of my Chicago friends were able to get in on yesterday’s sign up.

So what are your buddies going to do for the second shot?

I guess I just assumed that once you get the first shot, you’re locked in to get the second. I’ll find out.

My mom spent all day trying to get an appointment (website bugs, unhelpful calling) and eventually got March 7th. So not everyone is getting something immediately

Impossible to get an appointment in NY. Website was bugged and apparently only worked on certain mobile devices. Everywhere booked through April. Thanks Cuomo you piece of trash.


March 7 is only a few weeks away, but if you want something sooner, keep calling as things open up minute by minute. I know it can be frustrating but your efforts will be rewarded. Hang in there!

Nobody goes to vaccine centers anymore because they’re too crowded


The depressing outlook:

As soon as the pandemic its over we will be busy making all the money back so no time for intelligent/sustainable spending.

I absolutely guarantee that if you sit in front of a computer for an hour, and keep checking every single site constantly, you will get an appointment. They killed the f5 trick, you now need to keep clicking on the original link, but the principle remains the same. You may also need to be willing to drive a bit.

Just another Leadership Lesson from the COVID-19 Pandemic.


In our gig economy, I’m surprised there isn’t a service that does this. I could see people paying someone $100/hr or more to do this on their behalf. Especially if the average time to appointment is 1hr.

Get fucked politifact

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