COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

This reminds me of a local TV news piece hyped as “Disney ride leads to death,” about a middle aged man who rode Space Mountain and then suffered a fatal heart attack four hours later.

The vaccination site i went to was incredibly well run. It was in a conference center of an Embassy Suites. I was in and out in under 20 minutes and they did about 200 jabs while I was there. Impressive.




Canada continuing to close the heck out of the barn door. There were almost 8,000 new cases reported the day I crossed. Today there were 2,200.


Covid cases are starting to tank in my county. How is it in everybody else’s part of the world?


ETA: Looks my county has vaccinated (at least the 1st dose) a little over 10% of the county’s residents.

omg wichita violating hippa up in here


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Effing headline(?) writers. What the fuck else could be the reason?

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Tried to take it far enough back to not do that. Maybe still did "/.

Maybe God decided it would be too much.

Been basically the same for the last few weeks. Hanging around a 25-30% positive rate on PCR tests.

Fucking sucks. In America, it was the government demonstrating complete and total denial of the virus. Here it’s complete and total incompetence. All started when the ruling party delayed implementing restrictions for fear of losing regional elections in fall 2020. Due to acting at least a month late and the incompetence that followed, we’re here.

The government has done so terribly that they might not have the votes to extend the state of emergency despite the circumstances being faced. Other countries have extended theirs into the summer and their situation is nowhere near as bad as ours.

Germany has fewer cases per day despite having six times the population and they’re still locking down.


Yah based on the numbers you are citing, I don’t think that state of emergency is really getting it done, wow.

Thanks JT. Needed a good laugh today.

From the NYT tiny love stories. This just gutted me.

Now I Know Why

After Hazel and I got married at the ages of 20 and 21, I questioned our judgment in choosing to marry so young. When we had a baby soon after, I wondered how I could possibly support a family. In our mid-40s, I thought we were too young to become grandparents, though our grandchildren are lovely. Then when Hazel passed away at 50 from the coronavirus, I finally realized why we got married so young: We weren’t meant to grow old together. And I am grateful for our time. — Sean Luke Dado


This includes a ban on solitary outdoor exercise.

It’s great we’re getting some serious restrictions 11 months and half a million deaths into this thing. Just fantastic crisis management across the board.


But without it, the government can’t pass the restrictions they have implemented. It means that things will get worse.

Also, there’s a plan to open schools in March. It involves regular saliva/gargle testing similar to what Austria is currently doing. Thing is that Austria has something like half the cases we do. No idea why this didn’t start in fucking September. Total incompetence.

My state New South Wales is on day 24 of no new locally transmitted cases. Still no vaccine roll-out which is mostly because the government bet on the wrong vaccines but they are getting away with it because the rest of the response was good. Hope they start vaccinating airline personal and people working in the quarantine hotels first as they are the most at risk and how small clusters still happen in the different states.


Who would have thought Australia would crush it harder than anywhere else on Covid response

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