COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Study it out?

Cam Newton?


itā€™s just a magical thinking/degen thing of watching the numbers and learning nothing.

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Geez. Way more tragic than either amusing or amazing. What a shame.

Not wearing a mask makes it easier to ID him.


The surveillance video has been released


Iā€™ve had chicken and waffles good enough to commit a crime for. Iā€™ll allow it.


Hey, not sure where to post this but itā€™s Covid related and this is a wide-read thread so here it is.

My wife is extremely extroverted and being locked down has been really hard on her. Sheā€™s kept it together for the last year but a couple of weeks ago she told me she just couldnā€™t do it anymore and has been spiraling down into depression. Weā€™ve been trying to find a therapist for her, but is there anything else we can do to help her?

Her office is super empty, with only 3 or 4 people allowed per floor. Iā€™ve suggested she should go into the office a half day twice a week so sheā€™s at least semi-around some other people.

Info: She got the first jab of the vax on Monday.


Volunteer, especially once vaxxed, Iā€™m sure that the local community has some covid related stuff theyā€™d love to have help with. (Disclaimer, my counties system is very convoluted, I tried to sign up a couple of weeks ago and now my business opportunities are flooding me and after 2020 I feel I have to take very damn last project to make some Ca$h).

My wife is going nuts, but she is head of our local historical society so that gives her lots to do. Of course as ā€œfirst husbandā€ it gives me lots to do as well.

it seems dumb, but we get a group of friends to play trivia every Friday night with a Facebook group called better off inside. that way we still get some interaction. weā€™ll do take out and eat dinner as if we were out playing bar trivia, except weā€™re on our couch on a zoom call. still fun to be able to see people and have something that you can focus on besides the pandemic.

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Weā€™re going to have backyard takeout dinner with some friends on Saturday. Thatā€™ll probably help. Itā€™s a struggle in western WA right now because the weather hasnā€™t been great.


yeah, thatā€™s why we have done the online trivia thing, just to give us the ability to have some social interaction with friends in Virginia. Iā€™ve found that anything that gives me a routine helps me.

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I think just focusing on how this is the literal darkest period right now, this was the time we all knew weā€™d have to really suffer through (especially those of us where the weather is currently actively looking to murder you). Weā€™re so close nowā€¦weather will soon be better, vaccine coming (or is here, in her case!), and all that leads to the circle expanding over the summer. Thatā€™s how I get through it, at least.

Itā€™s great that she is self-aware enough to call it out though - most of us are all suffering to some degree, and just saying it out loud helps a bit. And obv. talking to a pro would always be beneficial.


Looks like getting as many vaccines as you responsibly can is probably going to be the way to go.

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Maybeā€¦ but the science behind this is utter shit compared to the initial trials and introduces a bunch of risk that isnā€™t necessary if we implement now

Kinda doubt itā€™s all that risky but who knows.

We have multiple gold standard RCTs showing various vaccines work and are extremely effective. The risks can be very small but still not worth it given how effective the main trials are.

from the article

The ability to mix-and-match vaccines could make vaccination programmes more flexible: it would speed up the process and reduce the impact of any supply-chain disruptions. ā€œIt really makes the implementation much more simple,ā€ said Mary Ramsay, head of immunization at Public Health England, at a press briefing on 3 February.

imo this, and the previous increase the time gap between shots thing, is just papering over the obvious cracks of lack of production. As I opined before Gs around the world need to use their power to enable an order of magnitude increase in vaccine manufacture - of all working vaccines - and facilitate rapid vaccination in their own populations and in those of nations that could use a little help.

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Apparently schools are back in person today, at least I think thatā€™s what happened, because I just had to push through a throng of high schoolers to get to Starbucks for my wife. Half of them, at most, were wearing masks.

Donā€™t worry though, Iā€™m sure we can extrapolate those Wisconsin elementary schools under a very strong Hawthorne effect risk are generalizable to them.

Schooling more important than the wifeā€™s coffee - coffeeā€™s quite easy to make at home when pandemic needs must

But ya, how dare they