COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Yes. Yes they are.


Jfc. Apparently the person leading the “let them play” charge in Michigan is also anti-mask and the repubes in the state legislature didn’t wear masks while the had the athletes in to testify.

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Also just happens to be an outbreak of UK variant in University of Michigan athletics too

Though there were a few members here who already got covid.

Hope they’re okay.

Highlighted the key portion and changed the tense.

I stayed out of your containment thread for a reason. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

So my daughter’s symptoms started on Tuesday (Sunday if the runny nose was Covid related) and she is now almost back to 100%. I still feel tired, but no more hot and cold flashes and still no other symptoms so now I’m not sure if I have it or not. Guess I’ll find out soon when the test results come back. My wife had the same runny nose and no other symptoms and says she feels 100%. We’re all sort of trying to quarantine from each other, but it’s not easy in my small house and having to do things for our daughter too. I guess we have to just try our best and hope it works out.


GL, but just realize that a negative test today doesn’t clear you 100%. Need 5-7 days from last exposure to really feel better about it. Should continue to act like you’re pozzed

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Right, my wife and I got tested today just so that if we are already positive, we won’t have to go through all the quarantining from each other in the house. If we are negative, we will try our best to quarantine from each other, and then wait until about 7-10 days after my daughter’s symptoms totally clear and then get tested again. We won’t be going out into public in the meantime unless it’s medically necessary. This plan was developed with the lady from the state health dept that called us today.


Seems like these drive-in testing sites would be a natural choice for drive-thru vaccines too. Based on what you saw, does that seem practical? I really haven’t heard much of a plan other than pharmacies and doctor’s offices.

This is preposterous even coming from you

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Funny you say that, because they do a drive thru vaccine line at the same place in segregated lines. The vaccine line goes into a parking garage so I couldn’t tell exactly how they do it. It’s all staffed outside by the national guard. Not sure where the medical people are from.

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I got a little paranoid a couple weeks ago - waited until late when the local testing place by me looked empty, signed up, got tested and my results back in an hour and a half.

What state?

Was that a PCR or rapid (antigen) test? I didn’t want the rapid because if you test negative you’re still not really sure. They are doing the PCR with 24 hour TAT around here, but since my test was on a Friday afternoon they said the results will most likely come on Monday.

It was the swab in the nose. Regular test afaik.

The doctor said they had their first slow day in months and he could probably get me my results in an hour. I was the last test of the night.

The rapid test can still be done as a swab in the nose. The difference is the PCR has to be sent to a lab like Quest to be analyzed, while I believe the rapid can be analyzed at the hospitals/testing sites. I would think you almost certainly got the rapid test but I could be wrong.

Damn I guess it was antigen. Well I never got sick so it was probably accurate.

I’m glad the doctor called me. If I just looked it up online - you tell me what those results say.

My guess is the line that says:

SARS Antigen FIA Negative F6

is the results line. But I would look it up to confirm for sure.

What about that is confusing?

Missouri. I’d rather not say which county. Sorry.