COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

The early data in NEJM was a three arm trial with only one being a control, so I’d guess it’s more likely he got the real thing.

In his defence he is allowed to do that without being told it’s nonsense.

No one has a right to say something nonsensical here and not have it called out.

Talking about “something wholly different than anyone else” doesn’t make it nonsense.

Why do you think it’s nonsense?

I don’t even know, but was what he said not responsive or relevant to what I posted? (he was responding to me)

As fun as it sounds to play some stupid semantic game with you, Mahomes is the best quarterback in the NFL right now so I got to go.

No nonsense here, move along.

I see. So you simply don’t have time to explain why you’ve called someone’s post nonsensical.

Great line.

I did. It was completely unrelated to anything else said, despite an attempt to tie in to something about California trends. Honestly, I still have no idea what it was attempting to do.

You then said ““something wholly different than anyone else” doesn’t make it nonsense”, I showed you a post that contained only truth but was definite nonsense and you called me a dickhead.

Come on man.

It was both wildly off topic and presented in a manner that made it impossible to tell wtf he was talking about.

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This is due to our immense wealth, which in turn is due to capitalism.

At least I hope it is, otherwise you have to give credit to Trump.

Ok, I reply to 3 of the 4 posts above my post, more directly.

But beware CN will ask for all sorts of evidence already posted to back up my ‘wild’ unsubstantiated claims…

It’s impossible to tell if you’re answering my yes/no question with a yes or a no. I think maybe no, but I’m not sure if you’re saying it was off-topic as far as the post he responded to or the general stream of what was going on in this thread.

Look, it’s obvious you have beef with churchill (and I have no skin in this game and prefer to ignore it all) , but drawing false parallels between a post very much on topic about covid and something about US football is just plain silly.

Come on yourself - you’re allowed/encouraged to post different things about it that don’t necessarily have to answer or respond to the posts above it. It’s how forums work.

And I ninja deleted my over hasty post.

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22 states already infected, I don’t think CA had the UK variant spreading because the rate increase is about 3 times slower - so, ‘hopefully’ whatever CA had is more dominant than the UK variant and wipes out the real killer lurking

Yes, hopefully. US still has 4 or 5 weeks to double hospital capacity so there’s a chance.

Seems hard to be relieved about anything in California.

deaths lag, hospitalizations are down, cases are down. Deaths will turn soon.

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The specific strain has much, much less to do with spread than the US basically giving up on trying to lock down.

Head of the AZ Oxford vaccine explaining this vaccine game might not be quite as easy as annual updates.

‘It used to live up the back end of a Pangolin…’

Brazil variant traced in Minnesota I hear - gotta keep the Brazil variant out…

I hope you’re right. CA has gotten much worse in the last couple months and I really haven’t noticed much behavior change outside early last year when lockdown was pretty well observed, but tapered way down well before last fall.