COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

You guys don’t put Vitamin D in your milk in the UK?

(doesn’t look like it)

Many breakfast cereals have it as a supplement.

I’ve been on Vit D pills for a couple of years since a check up showed I was deficient in it. I don’t understand why people with more pigmentation and/or living in cloudy climes don’t tale it anyway, as it’s all upside and no down side (other than cost).

As I understand it, one of the bottlenecks is a shortage of raw materials to produce vaccines. There’s no point in ramping up manufacturing capacity for vaccines without paying attention to the early parts of the supply chain. I know lipid nanoparticles have been cited as an example of something they need more of. I don’t know how complicated it is to increase production of them and neither, I suspect, do you.

There aren’t vaccine centers open 24/7 everywhere partly because you can’t staff them properly, I would guess. Maybe this could be solved by using military conscription.

Didn’t the US pay/contract with Moderna?

Do not fall for this woman’s bullshit.

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coward at best

Haberman, Birx, or both?


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this doesn’t make sense, why would gates foundation care about how they license the vaccine? If they did, why wouldn’t they be pressing to have as much made as possible? If AZ was all for profit, why wouldn’t they be pressing to sell as much as possible?

Looking into it, you get into gates conspiracy bs reaaaally quick

widespread community spread is an obvious reason to keep schools closed. That tweet is frankly really stupid.

I don’t think there’s anything stupid about saying it’s silly to prioritize teachers for vaccines if you plan on keeping schools closed.

The plan wouldn’t be to keep schools closed indefinitely obviously. The point here is that there are people in schools other than teachers. A lot more people in schools that aren’t teachers. These are all potential vectors.

Therefore, if community spread is really high, then gathering in groups of hundreds to thousands is a bad idea even if your teachers are vaccinated. Having teachers vaccinated allows for schools to be safely reopened earlier, which is the whole point.

A few weeks after, possibly, depending which vaccine they got.

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Although he’s not citing what he is referring to, I suspect that the inspiration of his tweet is the news that Washington DC is prioritizing teachers (and school janitors and security guards) over day-care workers, even though day-care services have been in-person and DC schools are not yet open.

As it is, they are reopening DC school buildings after teachers start getting the first shot but before they can get the second.

I think you get the most feedback from an in-line poll. Discourse software is awesome.

Answer goofyballer’s question. Would you?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters


Voted ‘No’ because the parents may give Goofy covid.

Give it another 4 weeks and we’ll have some decent Israeli stats on how safe the parents would be should goofy visit.

Prof Van-Tam said “no vaccine has ever been” 100% effective, so there is no guaranteed protection.

It is possible to contract the virus in the two- to three-week period after receiving a jab, he said - and it is “better” to allow “at least three weeks” for an immune response to fully develop in older people.

“Even after you have had both doses of the vaccine you may still give Covid-19 to someone else and the chains of transmission will then continue,” Prof Van-Tam said.

“If you change your behaviour you could still be spreading the virus, keeping the number of cases high and putting others at risk who also need their vaccine but are further down the queue.”

Idiot radio host and followers in Michigan is claiming that some pilot study shows “99.6%” of student athletes did not get covid. What I believe that means is 99.6% of tests were negative. If the same person gets tested 9 times negative and then tests positive that’s 1/1 in my book not 1/10.

They also do the -well since schools are open therefore schools are safe so therefore sports are safe. Ass backwards logic. There are huge campaigns and public pressure to keep schools open that have nothing to do with the data or public health sense.

It’s like saying that since they allow some indoor dining that indoor dining is safe which is complete and total horseshit.

University of Michigan has shut down athletics for two weeks. Apparently someone came back from the UK (wtf going to the UK) with the new strain and they’ve found some spread.

clearly most of this post is my opinion