COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants


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Yet none of the trade workers at the collegeā€™s who are and have been working in person can get itā€¦even the ones working in COVID quarantine buildings.

Hum maybe they can, but I was told no.

Does anyone know if you get the first shot but not the second one within two weeks or what they recommend if it has an effect on protection?

My father is getting his first one at the end of the month and Iā€™m thinking they wonā€™t have the second shot for him until long after the recommendations.

So how could anyone tell if itā€™s a reinfection rather than shedding plus the sniffles? You can test for the flu but thereā€™s not tests for dozens of different ā€œcoldā€ viruses, right?

I think we worry about disease first.

Reinfection with enough to pass on the virus second.

Both pretty rare so far. The pcr test should be specific enough to not test positive for a common cold variety Coronavirus.

Now what happens with mutants is anyoneā€™s guess. Antigen change should be a lot slower than the flu but could still be signficant enough to cause problems.

Iā€™ve tuned out of this thread completely for the past month because I needed the mental break from doom and was getting enough doom without worrying about COVID. Just wanted to check in and say I hope you all are staying healthy and those of you who were covid positive had an easy go of it.

And now for the good news - the first dose of the Moderna vaccine is in my arm! I didnā€™t think Iā€™d get emotional but Iā€™m holding back tears. Thank you science.


There is actually basically that

Very few people use that because clinically it doesnā€™t change much.

Youā€™re asking a good question though. Thereā€™s no criteria for re-infection that Iā€™m know of that is generally accepted.

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One of the Brazil variants is showing the best vaccine dodging capabilities to dateā€¦

The UK is to close all travel corridors from Monday morning to ā€œprotect against the risk of as yet unidentified new strainsā€ of Covid, the PM has said.

Anyone flying into the country from overseas will have to show proof of a negative Covid test before setting off.

It comes as a ban on travellers from South America and Portugal came into force on Friday over concerns about a new variant identified in Brazil.

Travellers from South America are no longer allowed to come into the UK, amid fears over a new coronavirus variant first identified in Brazil.

The UKā€™s new travel ban - which also applies to Portugal and Cape Verde - came into force at 04:00 GMT on Friday.

Like variants discovered in the UK and South Africa, it is thought the Brazil variant could be more contagious.

ā€œThere is currently no evidence to suggest that any of the variants cause more serious illness, and scientists are confident that vaccines should work against them.ā€

what are you basing this on?

A potential treatment for Covid using blood plasma does not reduce deaths among hospital patients, trials show.

The results are a blow to researchers and the NHS, which led the drive to collect plasma donations.

This arm of the Recovery trial, which is investigating a number of promising Covid treatments, has now been closed.

early analysis of 1,873 deaths in a study of 10,400 UK patients shows the treatment made ā€œno significant differenceā€.

In the group treated with convalescent plasma, 18% of patients died within 28 days - the same figure for the group given standard treatment.

I noticed Churchillā€™s editorial comment as well. I just didnā€™t want to get drawn into a Friday afternoon kerfuffle.

Biden speaking on covid right now.

British Government briefing 2hrs ago - same as the early news I gave you a month ago on the UK variant. I would link you to the youtubz of it but an article will be along shortly. Another huge clue should be UK banning entry to a continent; UK hasnā€™t banned a country yet, let alone a continent.

2x Brazil variants in the news - one is no more contagious / similar changes to spike as the UK variant, the other one found in returning Japanese travellers from Brazil is the one worrying the guys most used to studying them (NERVTAG etc)

Your statement directly contradicts your link. Please back up your statement or fix it.

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Biden speech -

100 million in 1st 100 days.

  1. Work with states - going to smooth out standards, priority on getting it in arms it seems like
  2. More vaccination sites and people - going to establish vaccination sites through FEMA, use mobile clinics, ā€œfull force of the federal governmentā€
  3. Going to ā€œfully activateā€ local pharmacies
  4. Using ā€œfull force of the federal governmentā€ to increase supply
  5. Pledging honesty and transparency

Breath of fresh air.


Yea, I just have some doubts that he can deliver, and what that will mean for his presidency if he doesnā€™t. It sounds really aggressive to me but maybe it isnā€™t.

Like california is just a fucking disaster already.

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Iā€™d be shocked if they got 100m in 100 days, but ffs I appreciate going for it.


Not picking on you specifically, but these ā€œWe just donā€™t knowā€ claims are sometimes a little silly. Suddenly everyone in this thread has become some sort of evidence-based medicine purist and will only accept double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trials before agreeing to anything.

Take bolded for example. I mean, sure, itā€™s possible. Just about anything is possible. But is there any other disease for which this is the case? And if there isnā€™t, why do you think that is the case? And what is it about COVID that makes it different.

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Is that 100 million doses administered (so 50 million people)? And even if itā€™s 100 million people getting both shots that is less than a third of the countryā€¦ Should help with the death numbers since they are prioritizing older folks, but this is really going to be a long, brutal slog. Ugh.

1/3 of the country in 100 days would be pretty great, imo.

I think as Iā€™m writing this post, only about 1/2 of the country actually wants it. Hopefully that changes. I think a lot of those who donā€™t want it will likely change their minds when they see lots of people getting it without any problems.

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That happened.

Iā€™m a bit of an EBM zealot. Welcome to my tedtalk on tPA and stroke, or how Genetech and the AHA are corrupt fuckersā€¦

Oh wait? No one wants that? Weird.

Anywho, EBM doesnā€™t work particularly well in a pandemic. Just donā€™t have the time to do it properly. Have to lean on expertise a lot more.