COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Also death lags by a lot.

If you watch the YouTube video I posted upthread, there is an older couple that just got their first shot talking about how theyā€™re now thinking about getting on a plane to see the grandkids in Ohio.

.4%, right.

LA County has roughly 1,000,000 confirmed cases, so even using that number itā€™s 1.3%.

Now this guy gets it


Forget who it was who criticized me for saying China screwed this up bad, but this is an inauspicious date:

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Imagine the next time some virus starts up again in China - immediate stonk market tank. Then it wonā€™t turn into much and people will get complacent.

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WASHINGTON ā€” President-elect Biden will call on Congress to approve $415 billion in emergency spending to scale up vaccinations, testing, contact tracing, genomic sequencing, and other efforts to fight Covid-19 ā€” a major part of a broader, $1.9 trillion stimulus proposal.

The massive plan, which he will lay out in an address Thursday evening, would allocate $20 billion for a national vaccination program; $30 billion for purchasing supplies and protective gear; and $50 billion for a scaled-up diagnostic testing program. It would represent the federal governmentā€™s biggest investment yet in public health efforts to address the pandemic; the December stimulus package, for example, put just $9 billion toward vaccine distribution, $20 billion toward vaccine procurement, $3 billion toward the Strategic National Stockpile and $22 billion toward testing and tracing efforts.

Vaxx plan specifics to be announced Friday.


I maybe panicked early. Good to see


Biden is on TV now outlining his COVID plan. Is including infrastructure week in the speech.

would allocate $20 billion for a national vaccination program; ā€¦ and $50 billion for a scaled-up diagnostic testing program

Iā€™m just a dumbass on the internet, but shouldnā€™t that ratio be, at the very least, reversed?


I guess he took a turn for the worse and didnā€™t make it. His wife is recovered though.


Well, maybe, but maybe money for vaccination hits pretty steep diminishing returns around then for reasons that arenā€™t readily apparent, like lack of doses to dole out.

Well damnā€¦ it only takes one bad day. Sorry for your loss.


Sounds like heā€™s also proposing $350 billion in aid to the states, which makes sense.

My impression was that money was to cover budget shortfalls caused by covid, not for vaccination programs per se.

Phase 1A will tentatively wrap up in early February, at which point the county can shift focus to Angelenos in Phase 1B ā€” which includes people 65 and over, along with select essential workers in education, childcare, emergency services, food and agriculture. The county estimates that everyone in Phase 1B will be offered at least one dose of the vaccine by late March.

There are some times when itā€™s not so good to live in the largest county in the US by a factor of 2. This is going to take as long as it takes us to count the votes.

Wait USA#231 has a covid tracker?

I donā€™t know, but my buddy who is over 65 but not 70, filthy rich and well connected managed to get the vaccine in LA today. Iā€™ll find out how tomorrow.

Same as it ever was.


Never thought Iā€™d hear anyone other than a Scientologist say that about Tom Cruise.

Dude Iā€™m a level 9000 Thetan

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