COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Or he got 3 false-negatives. Or she had a false positive.

Into your hand, no less!

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I’ll just leave this here…

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She had symptoms and two positives. I told him the whole time to act like he was positive.

3 false negatives is super, super unlikely right? Was pcr tests

I’m one notch away.

A lot of Fake IDs with 1955 as the birth year. New market.


There are stories of super covid throwing a lot of fake negatives that have been posted here.

Any data on that? Just the quick antibody test I would assume, not the pcr?

Would really be not good.

Bit evolution? That’s non Christian heresy.

I’ll listen to this podcast. I think the problem is that the debate about schools is incoherent at a very deep level. The underlying question is largely a political question: how much should be done to combat COVID and who should be required to make sacrifices, which is a question that science can give us some insight into but doesn’t have an objective answer. But rather than ever having that debate honestly, everyone wants to have science do their dirty work for them and “prove” that pro/anti OFS is the only rational position. At the same time though, it’s apparently very difficult to get good hard scientific evidence about the impact of school openings on cases (or more precisely, deaths and serious illness). So basically you end up with two groups of people who are inclined to adhere to one camp or the other just frantically trying to backfill those commitments with anything they can get their hands on. As it turns out, the easiest thing you can do is grab a dataset from somewhere and run a bunch of statistical analyses on it, so what people end up finding to cite are basically really bad econ/social science papers. But of course those aren’t convincing (because they’re bad and obviously flawed), so the whole endeavor ends up being a bunch of performative argumentation with no real purpose.




I frame it this way. The Covid crisis costs money in both resources to fight it and resources from stopping a lot of economic activity.
the choice is lots of people go into the shitter economically via lost wages, lost rent, lost business income OR the country can go collectively in debt.

I prefer the collective debt.

However since we choose the former almost by definition we can’t choose schools. By supporting people and businesses we force them to stay open and operate unsafely. Indoor dining is INSANE. Since our economic choices force a lot of risky covid activity, we not only choose against more openness for schools but we make schools inherently more dangerous based on the background level of spread-virtually guaranteeing the current predicament.

I’m not sure why any of this is a surprise. I’d much prefer seeing non essential business closed with financial support and schools open.

(And I’ll again say we should have scheduled burnouts/shutdowns every few weeks).

They need to just start setting up centralized locations and start giving vaccines 24 hours 7 days a week. I can’t believe how fucking terrible this has been so far. At the current rate, this will take years.

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Jfc. Finally listed to this whole podcast. Emily Oster is a fucking bad scientist. Oh wait she’s not a scientist at all. She knowingly put out data and conclusions that had big ass huge holes. Highly skewed to high resource populations. Including huge fractions of remote learning schools and students that drove down the overall rate numbers.
Then she clearly pushed the shitty conclusions from the shitty data with an agenda.
She deserves every bad thing that happens to her in life. She is only a little behind Scott Atlas in terms of damage done.

Covid hall fo shame
Anders from Sweden

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Czech Republic claiming that they’ll have 1.5 million vaccine doses in by the end of March.

Assuming they’re all used and there’s no increase in monthly supply, we’ll get herd immunity by…next year!

Of course the first vaccine will have worn off by then. So maybe not?

I was just looking into this myself. I’ve got some >65 family in the Bay Area, and I was trying to figure out where they might be able to get it. If you figure it out please post or PM.

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Yeah same deal for moms. Looks like it’ll likely be CVS or my sisters hospital.

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It always tilts the fuck out of me to see people taking off their masks to talk publicly.


The long-awaited probe comes after months of negotiations between the WHO and Beijing.

A group of 10 scientists is set to interview people from research institutes, hospitals and the seafood market linked to the initial outbreak.

Countries who aren’t as bad as the Czech Republic regarding covid are considering multi month lockdowns.

The Czech Republic, on the other hand, is considering opening things up in a few weeks. 35% positive test rate is not as bad as the 50+% it was a week ago but it’s still really bad.

Christ this country and its people are fucking stupid. It’s why we will continue to be one of the worst in the world when it comes to covid.