COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Huh. Well then, warp speed, I guess.

Iā€™m going to backtrack a bit and say Biden has been doing a bit more than I thought and also Trump obstruction seems worse than I thought. So I appreciate you guys pointing that out. Why in the world is Biden keeping a Trump stooge in charge of the vaccine rollout though? I didnā€™t know that until the article NBZ posted either.


@trolly may have more to say about this, but when Tiberius was mia, the praetorian prefect Sejanus was basically the head honcho in Rome, and he was played by Patrick Stewart in I, Claudius.

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Brazilā€™s variant: Two ā€˜spikeā€™ changes flagged up

As UK MPs have been mentioning today - a coronavirus variant has been found circulating in the Amazonas state of Brazil, and was picked up in Japan in travellers from the region.

Itā€™s different from the UK and South African variants, but it contains common mutations - two changes to the virusā€™ ā€œspikeā€ in particular which have been flagged as potentially making the virus more infectious.

This is not going to be the last mutation we hear about.

At the moment changes are mainly being picked up in areas that do lots of genetic tracking of the virus - itā€™s almost certain there are other mutations already circulating unseen in other parts of the world.

Snowflake Czech media losing it over Germany pissing on them for fucking up on covid

Honestly, epidemic bomb is a pretty accurate description of this country.

Quick NYC vaccine TR:

Possible that this is run good but I found the entire process really easy. Created an account then made an appointment at on Sunday night for today. The city is currently distributing the Moderna shot. The system immediately sends a confirmation email with an appointment number.

The appointment today also went really smooth. Received an email early this morning with a link to a survey to be filled out before you get the shot. Itā€™s 4 or 5 of the ā€œhow are you feelingā€ type questions. Once you finish, the system sends another email with a QR code.

Waited less than 10 minutes on a line outside the building where everyone was checked in with the appointment number by a volunteer with tablet. Inside the building was another fast moving line (less than 3 minutes) until I was directed to a tech for the shot. The tech scanned the QR code, asked the health questions again and then gave me the shot.

I did a rough count and there were ~40 people giving the vaccine.

After the injection, the tech handed me a handwritten card with the vaccination info on it and directed me to the wait room where I was shown how to schedule the second appointment, which I did while I was sitting there.

The entire thing had a vibe of getting on and off a ride at Disney. The only thing that surprised me was how no one asked for any form of ID at any point. Otherwise, easy peasy would do again.


All I remember was when Caligula gave Tiberius a porn scroll as a birthday present, that was some of the most hilarious TV ever and I canā€™t believe the BBC put it on the air.

On a serious note, I, Claudius is based on selected historical accounts of the era, but most modern historians think these accounts were wildly exaggerated. Basically, whenever possible, I Claudius gives us the most sinister and outrageous retelling of history, so itā€™s not super reliable.


Also, Patrick Stewart is amazing as a villain, even better than when heā€™s playing a good guy. Green Room another good example of this.


Sir Patrick Stewart is trying to get Emperor Tiberius to sign a bunch of arrest warrants so he can get rid of his opponents but then Sir John Hurt comes in and interrupts everything with his birthday porn scroll and all Tiberius cares about is the porn scroll, I love that show so much.


Same for me. It seemed like they were more focused on getting people shots than on checking anything else. Which is a good thing, imo.

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US equivalent is what, 8000 deaths in a day?

Beware of the new variantsā€¦UK variant now in 50 countries

Sounds like a great system except the indoors part

People will be catching covid while there every day of that process based on those numbers.

Push hard. My sister sat in a car for hours with her daughter waiting for a test. Her daughter was positive. They then kept her quarantined at home and my sister never got sick and passed 3 tests over the next 10 days. Many stories like this of quarantining in the same house successfully.


My best friend lives with his ex still. She pozzed, a week later he got sick. Sore throat, headache, congestion. Proceeded to test negative 3 times over 12 days.

He works in a warehouse so I guess maybe he picked up some kind of other virus? Seems wild.

My dad is looking into a senior living place and they offered to vaccinate him next week along with the current residents. Now we just need to make sure he does it. (Heā€™s not anti vax but he is strangely stubborn about things. Like if he thinks he may not want to live at that place it wouldnā€™t be ā€œhonorableā€ for him to accept the vaccine there. Hopefully he wonā€™t argue about this.)

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Maybe they can move it outdoors when the weather gets better in March. Or do it fully drive through. Iā€™ve heard of one site giving the vaccine that is all drive through.

I particularly didnā€™t think that there was much risk of catching it there. But of course I could be wrong.

All over 80ā€™s and NHS at the moment


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Perna isnā€™t a Trump stooge, heā€™s a military logistics guy, at least according to his wikipedia article. I have no idea why heā€™s being kept around, but maybe heā€™s doing a good job? The vaccines got developed really quickly and a lot of doses have been delivered to the states. No one here knows who he is though, so why would we have an opinion on whether he should be kept on or not? The Politico article didnā€™t bring much in the way of receipts about what heā€™s done wrong.

Except itā€™s obvious he isnā€™t doing a good job. Results matter.