COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Motherduckers’d have to be daft ****s not to agree with it

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Just curious since you guys are really on top of this stuff. Wife and I are both in our 30s, healthy, and not healthcare workers. O/U on when our turn comes up in line to get the vaccine if we’re both on board with getting it ASAP?

Three or four months at the absolute earliest, possibly as long as eight to ten months.

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I wouldn’t expect anything until near the end of summer.

We’re going to surpass total US casualties in WWI either today or tomorrow.

I don’t agree with this argument, let me start by posting it this way, but I think some of the unspoken argument has to do with the ethical issues of the relative value of an older human life versus a younger one and an overall expectation of how much life any one person has remaining versus how much would be cut off if they died of COVID. Similar to how overflowing hospitals will triage if we get to that point. Again, not endorsing that argument.

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So apparently my mom is 1b. Sounds like she’d be lower levels on some of your guys plan. Only 70, but extremely high risk with pre existing conditions.

I dunno. She can’t really totally isolate because I have to go out and do shit for her. Once she’s vaccinated I will feel a lot better.

Her being 1b, she should get the vaccine sometime in like febuary or march right?

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Her Twitter thread gets pretty dumb

Better to kill your mom than have her spend a holiday by herself.


The good news is that mRNA vaccines are really easy to update. Getting an annualish shot for this is not going to be a big deal.

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I’m actually pretty sympathetic to this kind of argument. I know spidercrab posted a similar idea using QALY.

Age is just such a dominant variable, though, that even if you adjust for life years remaining, it’s still going to make sense to prioritize the elderly in most cases. Maybe if you adjust for quality of life it becomes a closer call.

My suspicion, though, is they aren’t really thinking about it as mathematically as this and it’s more about what feels right. I’m not seeing many arguments about QALY in these discussions, though maybe you’re right that it’s unspoken. Instead, they seem to be taking the form of: “well, it seems obvious that other factors matter, too, and therefore it would be unethical not to consider them in prioritization”. But unless you weigh those factors appropriately using a model or something, you’re going to get a prioritization scheme that underweights age since, again, it’s such a dominant factor in poor outcomes.

I agree that age is such a dominant variable that it’s going to outweigh the QALY factor. But I do think it’s worth having that conversation rather than just brushing it under the rug.

The shit is really going to hit the fan among the Fox News crowd, though, if/when we start prioritizing minority communities:

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Trump must be on a golf course

European nations have begun to apply travel bans with the UK after it reported a more infectious and “out of control” coronavirus variant.

Ireland, Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Belgium are all halting flights and travel. The measures vary and are initially generally short-term.

An EU meeting will be held on Monday morning to discuss a more co-ordinated response.

The World Health Organization (WHO) says the same mutation has also been detected in the Netherlands, Denmark and Australia

Dr Catherine Smallwood, of WHO Europe, said that as of 20 December, the numbers in those countries were small, nine in Denmark and one each in the other two nations. But she said other countries had notified WHO of other variants “that also carry some of the genetic changes seen in the UK variant”.

Assuming you live in a well run country like New Zealand or South Korea. But in the USA, good luck. It takes 20 minutes to get a flu shot in CVS.

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but it’s CHRISTMAS!


You’re not getting out of this! Put on your work boots and your respirator!


I swear, based on anecdotal experience, but filipinos struggle

One of my colleagues is Filipino and he is religious about using his mask.

Then again he’s a 60 year old diabetic. So he’s definitely a compromised target for it.

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Yeah. Fuck this lady. My dad spent his 81st birthday alone except for 10 minutes with me and mrs rugby eating social distanced birthday cake outside on a hedge. And we never had the case load UK did, nor did we travel on a packed train a few days before.

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