COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Evil Tory Bastards going to evil tory bastard

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As someone who knows a lot about logistics yeah… there’s a lot of that going on right now.

We shouldn’t be doing the vaccine any different than the label tells us to obviously. We also should be doing the vaccine rollout at the national level.

I wouldn’t worry about this too much beyond the fact that it’s going to be a complete cluster fuck until 1/22/2020 though. I expect that the second the federal government goes back to trying to be the federal government things will rapidly improve from their current state of toxic waste fire to a mere dumpster fire and will slowly downgrade in severity from there.

We need to be doing this faster with much bigger thinking than what the Trump clan can come up with. There’s nobody competent anywhere near him because they all figured out that talking to him at this point was probably a good way to get indicted and left.

I wouldn’t bother learning anything about the current vaccine rollout plans… they won’t survive the handover in power. The Biden transition people are going to do a 180 degree turn on day one.

Yes. I’m suggesting that is why he should be very happy to take a bet that Germany will quickly overtake us. Mid-Feb already seemed more than fair to me.

So just to repeat something, the talk about logistics is fair.

Changing the vaccine schedule based on data that is most favorably described as incomplete and not from the structured properly done study is fucking stupid. It could end up working out ok, but is a ludicrously massive risk. It makes zero sense from an evidence based medicine prospective.


What stops people from travelling to states that are administering the vaccines if theirs isn’t?

This was back in the 90s I think. Someone wrote a completely made up paper with obvious buzzword soup and got it into a peer reviewed sociology journal but it was somehow connected to physics.

This seems to be it

If I got a spoiled vaccine but it means that 5,000 other people got their vaccine, then yeah, I don’t care. We need speed right now, not accuracy.

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Starting January 15th, people over the age of 80 in the Czech Republic can get a vaccine scheduled.

Everybody else can request one starting February 1st.

The expectation is to get everyone vaccinated by this September. That’s a convenient time since it will be right before the October elections. The ruling government is banking on the vaccine saving them from destruction.

Just have Amazon ship me one in the mail with an epi pen, how hard can it be you dont even need to hit a vein.

Lololo. It’s still whack a mole. The south is NEVER locking down NEVER. Covid is barely acknowledged where I live. Cases n body counts are skyrocketing bout nobody give af. Dead people are dead. Nothing to see here .

My best friend was telling us his dad got pozzed at church and is on oxygen at his house. 95% or something like that but he still celebrated his n day w in door dining and 2 bars .

We are literally 2 different counties and many in my area will still treat trump as the president for the next 4 years . Get me the fukk outa this shithole country. Maybe El Salvador will take us.


Maiden grocery curb-side pickup voyage(s) trip report(s):

Picked up from Whole Foods and Ralphs today. These are my stories.

Whole Foods: seamless, except they didn’t tell me that one of my items was out of stock until I got the email after I picked up. Not a huge deal. They literally met my car as I arrived - took maybe 2 minutes.

Ralphs: took a little longer for them to come to my car, maybe 5 minutes. Then the grocery person wanted a fair amount more face-to-face interaction than I was after - she wanted to go through the order on a mobile device she had with her, and wanted to give me a receipt. But still way safer than being in the market, and definitely much faster.

I’m a convert, and will probably continue to do this even after the pandemic (if there is an “after”).


You all are going to make another supper strain of this shit arent you.

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It has every chance of being another Millennium Dome (a large and expensive government project that ended in widely predicted failure), but with hundreds of thousands of deaths.

PSA, Amazon prime does two hour free delivery from Whole Foods if you’re within range. Plus tip of course.

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I went to the grocery store last night around 4am for in-store shopping. based on the number of cars in the parking lot, there were maybe 10 customers and 20-30 employees in the building, which is one of the larger groceries I’ve been in. I did my shopping without coming within ten feet of anyone. I skipped the aisles where employees were restocking shelves or I was at one end while they were at the other.

Israel has vaccinated about 10 times as many people as New Jersey, which is exactly the size of New Jersey and has almost the same population as Israel.


But New Jersey has produced more than 100x as much salt-water taffy as Israel.


The residents will welcome death!

You left out the most important part. How good were your bagged salad greens?


Obviously it’s madness to be guessing about the best dosing strategy with potentially millions of lives hanging in the balance, but why are we in the position of having to guess in the first place, of only having information about one option? Why isn’t there data on how different strategies work over different time frames? Why isn’t there already a consensus on how these approaches will play out?

There is no good answer to the question of whether 12 weeks or 3 weeks is the optimal delay period, because the information isn’t there. We lost the battle when we didn’t spend the 5+ months these vaccines have been in trials working on this problem.