COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Is there some kind of counter/tracker up for vaccinated?

I posted about my 82-year old great-aunt who lives in a home for the elderly and got diagnosed with Covid 10 days ago in the other thread.

Update is that she only had a light fever for a few days and has since been feeling rather weak. Otherwise she is fine which is great. Well mentally the isolation isn‘t great for her, but physically she is as well as you can expect.

Germany has now been under a harsher lockdown for a few days, but we are still a week away from it affecting the numbers. Because of the holidays it seems like we will be flying blind concerning the numbers. So I am not sure they will lift things as planned on January 10 even if numbers start trending down.

In my town the major churches have voluntarily cancelled Christmas services (religious services are exempt from the lockdown). It seems like most people are taking it seriously again.


At this rate we will have everyone vaccinated by 2514.

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I wouldn’t say it was refuted. What was established in that thread was that there are varying degrees of risk that individuals could take before being considered collectively irresponsible. I was in that group. Give me your daily/weekly itinerary and activity and we could come up with things you’re currently doing that could be more responsible as well

Unfortunately, we/you don’t get to dictate how responsible other individuals are

Looked more into the Pfizer efficacy by time since, you know, I’ve had the vaccine.

There’s a huge error bar at 12 days, but it’s 52% effective with an error bar +/- ~25% at day 12. If you take 52% effectiveness then it’s basically the same as a flu shot in a year where they missed on what spread that year.

At day 28, or 7 days beyond the second dose, it’s 95%.

I’m soooooo close.


The people who matter the most are those we care about the least.


Efficacy is the degree to which a vaccine prevents disease, and possibly also transmission, under ideal and controlled circumstances – comparing a vaccinated group with a placebo group. Effectiveness meanwhile refers to how well it performs in the real world. Although a vaccine that has high efficacy – such as Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine with 94.5% efficacy and Pfizer’s with 90% efficacy – would be expected to be highly effective in the real world, it is unlikely to translate into the same effectiveness in practice.

Might be a bit early to be measuring effectiveness compared to the flu vaccine used in the real world

lol no it’s not, they literally did the study. Is it your life goal to prove me wrong once or what?

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Who is ‘they’ that have already studied the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine? Efficacy has been studied but not effectiveness


When a vaccine is given to the population, factors, such as the medication people are taking, underlying chronic illnesses, age, and how the vaccine is stored and administered under everyday conditions, can reduce how effective the vaccine is at preventing disease.

Any medical care that isn’t covered by insurance should be billed directly to this church and taken from its coffers.

To think they’re skating by tax free while negligently putting such a burden on their own community

Wait a minute, you’re trying to draw a line between ‘effectiveness’ and ‘efficacy’?

You can fuck right the hell off.

No one cares, even if you’re right. If we say you ‘won’ this, will you stop with this bullshit forever?


Just quoting the Vaccine Alliance who seem to draw a large distinction between efficacy and effectiveness when referring to vaccines, especially new ones where the ‘effectiveness’ can only be measured when the ‘population’ has been vaccinated.

But, the ER doc knows all as he evens uses the words interchangeably- vaccine expert too, no doubt

Can we vote people off the island or isn’t that a thing on this forum?


Let’s say that you’re right. Can you tell me exactly, in your own words, what this large distinction is and how it changes this conversation?

Only once the island achieves herd immunity.


Is there more than one of you? Who’s in this clique?

This is BS. Can you show your math please, or like your source?? As the quotes from experts actually in the vaccine field show, the ‘effectiveness’ of Covid vaccines is nothing but a pure guestimate before the population is vaccinated - as at today the US has ~38k of the ~330m (0.1%) population vaccinated.

But here we have the first calculation of effectiveness of the covid vaccine when compared with flu vaccine (apples and pears)… World first for UP folks

They’ll be off the island for 48hrs max but you have to put up with cursewealth / commonrounder making the threada about him

Your link’s title is ‘Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine’ so at least the title’s correct.

Study more, Bud. Just imagine the guys that do ‘Vaccines’ might know a little more than the guys that do ER.

Churchill I have zero interest in talking about effectiveness vs efficacy with you. I want you to explain why this is so critically important for our conversation. You don’t seem to be too excited to answer that question.

Anyways, the NEJM paper for the Pfizer vaccine says:

A two-dose regimen of BNT162b2 (30 μg per dose, given 21 days apart) was found to be safe and 95% effective against Covid-19.

Have fun bud.