COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Who is this directed at?

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My most cautious co-worker by far, the only one other than me who flatly refused ever to go back into the office anytime soon, got herself and her husband, son, and elderly mother vaccinated today. Legit fucking happy for her, she dealt with so much more shit than me from her superior (mine has been excellent and lets me do whatever) plus she had friends in the hospital. She got doses that were going to be thrown out otherwise.


The usual suspects that post every mutant story with the gloomiest possible interpretation and every OFS story with the rosiest possible interpretation. Should be obvious.

There seem to be two kinds of data, reports, and opinions about OFS and kids transmitting the virus.

One set completely fits with all first principles around disease transmission.

The other requires a miracle of Mother Nature that fits with the experience of pretty much no one that works in the relevant technical field.

As far as the mutant, no one here says not to worry at all. Watch it. But using it as an excuse to do what we should have been doing all along is ridiculous.

Regular covid 1.0 no worries. Covid 2.0. Lock everything down and mask better.

Fuck all. Covid 1.0 has killed 2 million world wide. It’s bad enough that we should be doing a much better job at distancing and masking all along and especially NOW.


old Covid - UK march to December - OFS

Dec’ 20 onwards - superCOVID in the UK - genomic tracked whilst gaining dominance - races through kids - CFS

Not a problem to you guys…yet (can’t fear what you can’t see so OFS I say… new variant becoming dominant in the US now is probably a myth I’m still peddling.

Never will be a problem to Dan who really has no stake in this - tooks weeks to convince him new variant was a potential problem, not just a ‘standard’ mutation, more weeks to sink in that it was more transmissable (55%), now confirmed 30% more deadly to boot and guess what, closing schools looks like a good option.

US has 9 months of lost schooling time…gone…add another 7 months cause new variant and that’s a fair chunk gone (sad)

And lol at Dans 2-3 week lockdowns - froma low base 3 months lockdown (proper lockdown) might work with new variant - just knowing which state will be first is where you should be at

Caveat - all my rantings are deemed speculative and are posted IMHO only

WV is saying everyone over 65 vaccinated by Feb. LA is on pace for late June. CA WOAT.

I’m gonna x-post this in here too. I don’t follow this thread that much, but animosity in this thread bleeds over to other threads on the reg, so it must be pretty bad.


Some stuff on the psychology of people taking risks most of wouldn’t during the pandemic, with poker content.

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Did you get your answer?


In positive news my wife had two patients today (normal ICU workload) for the first time since October. They also closed one of the temporary auxiliary ICUs at her hospital.




Fuckin a dude

Icu is last to decompress

I don’t think they are back to fully normal staffing yet but even having one day of 2:1 sounds like it was a nice break for her.


Lol. I probably was there first back in March talking about mutants and concerns about it in these threads. Afaik, I’m the only one here who has made bacterial mutants on purpose and battled virus mutations and had 99.9999% of a 1 million liter fermenter die to a bacteriophage attack.

Is covid 2.0 worse than covid 1.0? I Don’t dispute that. Got on board with the totality of the evidence within a couple of weeks, held out some skepticism in the early reports.

You still completely miss the point. Completely. Johnny just stated it very very well.

As far as the two week shutdown thing you also don’t get it or don’t want to get it. It’s a suggestion to try and come up with quick knockdown that could possibly be sold to the public. I totally think it should be two months but there are all these open for school morons that don’t get it. It’s called trying to find a workable practical solution.

I have a grandson in pre-K, nieces in grades 3 and 4. Don’t tell me I don’t have skin in the game. Lots of friends that are teachers. A SIL with PTSD from her memory care job catastrophe. Had a son miss most of 11thbgrade with migraines and how that completely disrupted his life path. And Fuck all, maybe I’m especially paranoid about OFS because I am the parent of a dead son (car accident 13 years ago). So I know exactly what the worse feels like. A knock on the damn door at 5 AM. Bleep you. When your kid doesn’t text you back do you quickly start to think that their dead? Welcome to my world.

I live and breathe microbiology, parenting, and grief. It’s why I get so pissed off dealing with morons.


From that article:

Apparently, optimists are mentally ill. The depressed are realists.


This vaccine shortage is just insane. Fucking China can build a hospital in a week but the US and Canada can’t engage the military or private sector and build a fucking production facility in a few months. Who cares what it costs? Who care how much you have to pay Pfizer or Moderna for the rights. Just make the god damn vaccine.

I’m so over this. Fuck.


Thanks that was a good read. I still can’t believe more can’t be done. This has to be the number one global goal.

Even more frustrating is LA on pace to get the vaccines they do have into people’s arms some time in 2022. We’re not even close to getting through healthcare workers yet.

Every article I read is just massive clusterfuck. Not enough sites. Website is a mess. Cities and counties bickering about who’s going to staff it. Just fucking do it you assholes.

Every fucking day the Governor, Mayor and County Commissioner should have their feet roasted over an open fire until this shit improves.


Why can’t you believe more can’t be done? Is it due to faith in the power of technology?