COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

I have no idea what this is supposed to do with being hyper-social and I’m not sure I accept the premise that someone who’s still mega-rich is jumping off a ledge.

Based on Churchill’s description of what closed, which was pretty thorough, I would lean towards schools and daycares as my hypothesis for what was a major vector of spread that escaped the lockdown.

I like to think I’d jump on a grenade if I had to save some of my men in a war. Assuming I don’t have kids and some of them do. Now would I really do that? Who knows probably not. But people have. At least the impulse is there for me.

That’s got to be some kind of weird social-empathetic instinct, which goes beyond say parental instinct or pair-bonding, and is unique to hyper-social animals. It’s also why we call some people sociopaths. They lack that instinct. All cats except lions are sociopaths by birth.

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I agree there is. But I don’t agree that’s much at play (if at all) with the enlistment rejects.

I’ve never had a flu shot. Haven’t gotten around to it, don’t like getting shots, and I barely ever get sick. The last time I remember anything more than congestion is 2007 (I remember because it came on while watching Grindhouse in the theater).

I guess I will in the future. I’ve been donating blood lately, so I guess I can take the little needle.

You’d be drawing conclusions NERVTAG and your Twitter source didn’t draw. I mean may be they adjusted the postive effect on R for that scenario

Oh I see what you’re hung up on now. My point was everyone went to sign up for the war after Pearl Harbor - a decidedly unselfish act. The anecdotal reports about rejects killing themselves (which I’ve heard but never confirmed) was just to illustrate how strong the drive to enlist was.

Oh I see too - I read that as being the thrust of your argument not an incidental fact.

I mean, yeah, minor things like that but nothing big afaik.

Right and a lot of people who haven’t gotten covid yet and never get sick probably put covid vaccination in the same bucket to some degree as the flu shot.

Try getting a power red - they take out the red blood cells, then put the plasma and other stuff back in. Twice. It looks like some inception machine. You can feel the cold fluid pumping back into your arm. Also your lips go numb for some reason - which the red cross person failed to inform me of ahead of time.

I kept thinking like if this machine accidentally makes a little bubble - do I just die on the spot? Just have to assume they’ve worked that out by now.

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It is unnerving.

Since I’m blogging here. I effed up my shingles vaccine. I got one right before covid times and never went back for the second. I’m afraid I’ll have to start over. And that one hurt for like a week.

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Dude - get the second one. Just go to Walgreens. It’s fine. Shingles sucks from everyone I’ve talked to.

Walgreens has it? I have Kaiser. They have my records and stuff. I think I should just go there.

And yeah, shingles sucks. A bunch of people I know have had it.

I did it at Walgreens and I have Anthem.

I’m gonna call Kaiser right now!

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Only 170,000 people in long-term care facilities received a shot as of Dec. 30 even though 2.2 million doses were distributed for residents, according to data released from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

I didn’t post a conclusion, and don’t claim I did. Nor does your citation disprove what I did post, which was a hypothesis.

The average American’s risk of dying from COVID yesterday was about 1 in 100,000. Avg chance of getting COVID yesterday, with all kinds of weird unknown scary side effects, was like 1 in 2k. The overall risk of anaphylactic shock from a vaccination is longer than 1 in a million, and people apparently never die from it because of epipens.

There’s not even a selfish case for a young, healthy person refusing a vaccine.


Your hypothesis is flawed because every other country, all of which have kept schools open (never closed) have reduced transmission during lockdown periods… until the new variant - which the professionals have had 10 days to study and OFS ain’t on anyone else’s radar

Anyway, Happy New Year, let’s see where the variant takes us