COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING


5min tests would obviously be better but 90mins isn’t terrible if the results are more accurate.

I got back to life in the real world with business and personal matters. I skimmed occasionally but found more positives places to spend my ever decreasing recreational time. I hope all is well.


My sentiments exactly. We’ll let the other nations (Russia, Trumps ‘US Only’ Vaccine, Chinese Military, India) try the earlier versions of the vaccine first, too

He made his choice. Nothing you can do.

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Damn sorry man, good luck.

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We’re selling a house and the buyer started trying to pull this bullshit. At the same time they were begging us to let them move in a week before closing while we were still in the due diligence period and they were trying to renegotiate based on their appraisal, which was not a contingency in our agreement. On top of that, our own realtor was trying to talk us into letting them move in. I finally told them all to fuck off and either buy the house or go away. Supposed to close tomorrow but we will see.


It has been hard but I’ve tried to learn the lesson to be true to myself throughout this ordeal. It is every person for themselves due to the vacuum of leadership in this country, and only you can decide how to live.

Saying no is very hard for me and does not come naturally, and usually has been followed with an apology.

But not anymore. I’m happy to tell people that I’m the crazy one, but that I’m not willing to live with killing someone else by unwittingly transmitting COVID-19 to them. The answer is no, and I’ll be happy to catch up with them in 2022.

Anyone who would put you in a position to feel badly about a genuine attempt to protect your family (and themselves) are, to put it bluntly, assholes. I wish I didn’t have assholes in my family, and I’m sorry that you have some too.

But in the end, they can all fuck off and spin the wheel of death as often as they want. I’ll wish them luck, but control my own destiny. You make the rules for your own life, and you don’t need to apologize for them. Anyone that would get their noses bent out of shape about that didn’t give a shit about you truly in the first place.


Some dude in the chiefsplanet thread who has been pretty middle of the road is having his family in rural MO just torn up by this. So far 2 or 3 great aunts died and uncles, now his uncle died, and his aunt is not doing well.

Apparently it all started with a funeral and maybe a youth revival camp.

It seems to be all or nothing with these people. They won’t take it seriously until tragedy hits directly in their family. The cult is so strong. They could see it happening next door and still say it won’t happen to us.

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So that’s 5 teachers at my school who have had or currently have covid19 since the beginning of September. That’s 6.6% of teachers in this school. Meanwhile, 0.55% of the entire Czech population got it this month. That’s way out of proportion.

Thank fuck some schools in Prague (like mine) are going online for at least the next 2 weeks. We need it.

Huh. Children are the rats of the modern plague. Go figure.

What’s your connection to rural MO? Which part of you don’t mind me asking? My hometown in SEMO has skyrocketing cases for their population size. Filled with MAGA heads and farmers.

Oh there are students that got it as well. It’s why multiple classes have been quarantined this month.

As far as we know, there has yet to be any transmission within the school of covid19. Of course, communication between the school administrators and teachers has been shoddy to say the least. Who knows if they’re hiding anything from us? Teachers always seem to be the last to know about everything.

Some people dunking on the twitters cause no Minnesota Vikings have tested positive. They seem to not understand the concept of an incubation period. I don’t see how either Titans or Vikings play this week.

MLB grounding the infected team and their opponent seems to have worked. It sucks especially for non-infected team but if they play and then test positive then they have to put their next opponent in quarantine too.

NFL really should have built in a couple of big bye weeks with half the teams off to give them some rescheduling flexibility for just these type of occurrences.

B1G football will have the same problem. No off weeks.

I grew up in KC, lived there most of my life until my mid-20s. This poster is on

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(Could go in other places - LC,UK or Goofs - but best here for eyeballs)


Thankfully they can’t do anything competently


They hired the wrong team. These guys could have gotten it done.


Having a normal one in North Korea.

Wait, there’s people that defect TO North Korea? I didn’t know that existed.