COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING

Yeah, the upper eastside is a nice 'hood. We looked up there but couldn’t find anything. We’re about a mile and half from that area.

Should have dropped a note you were coming through the area. We could have had a socially distant beer.

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A national testing/tracing system would have had a huge impact. It is completely insane that we didn’t even attempt it.


in the west probably, but medical grade things are usually not that simple.

“It’s kind of hard to tell the assholes and the morons apart,” explained Whitney Parks, a masked passerby. “They’re all yelling about something called a ‘scamdemic’ and some of them are waving misspelled Qanon placards, so it feels like some of them might be assholes AND morons.”

Another unmasked attendee simply shouted “Joe Rogan rules! WOO!” leaving asshole/moron observers to label him “a genuine tossup”.

The line between satire and real life is too blurred at this point. The Beaverton and The Onion could just publish real stories in 2020.


you know what’s weird? I have no idea. I just open the spigot and oxygen comes out.


This is easily the most frustrating bit.

Hospitals in the UK ran out of O2 in the first wave

UK now has these installed at 7+ NHS Nightingale Hospitals especially built for Covid

i ran out of oxygen tanks a few times. But not wall oxygen.

Was the hospital ever ‘overrun’? I think only NYC ever got close to that. And that’s not becuase the US is oversupplied with beds or has some huge supply of o2, it’s just that only a small eastern corner knows what Covid will be like this winter

utterly overrun.

My theory is US, bar NYC, was introduced to Covid at the nut sweet time of cold turning to mild. Europe faced it maybe 6 weeks before the US got real and realisid this shit was already there.

That was 7 months ago so we’ll see how it pans out.

May be the UK just built those nice white tubes for the fun of it, right? Just like the shortage of Q-tips for tests, o2 was, and will be, in short supply

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The US did run pretty good at the beginning of the pandemic, for example it was already spreading through the Bay Area at the beginning of February, and if the San Francisco 49ers had won the Super Bowl there would have been a massive superspreader parade.

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60 second breath test is our best chance to get back to normal. If it can be done cheap enough and widely enough to be everywhere.


What’s one between friends?

Not everyone taking part in the trials receives the vaccine.

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Female, over 50, asthmatic, built for comfort not for speed? Watch out for Long Covid…

hmmm i’ve seen worse outcomes with males anecdotally. Maybe women are more likely to seek care.

Not sure the study was based on anecdotes

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Seems like men die more but women are more likely to be long-haulers who never had to be hospitalized but can’t shake symptoms (just from a few things I’ve read - not planting my stake).


I would have thought you’d be interested in the thoughts of someone who’s taken care of hundreds of covid patients, but if you’re not there’s no need to be a dick about it.


We know that tests within the first few days after exposure are worthless - I’m assuming that’s going to be true no matter which kind of test.

My question: is it possible for someone within the first few days of exposure to test negative but be contagious?