COVID-19: Chapter 6 - ThanksGRAVING


I have family that works for Boeing, so maybe bias, but they have kept up on this and say the planes are safe and flight attendants haven’t been getting infected at higher rates than the general population.

Do you not also go to the supermarket and gas stations etc? You can spread it there to people who are just trying to take the bare minimum risk.

Or what about the doctors and nurses that have to treat the sick people like perhaps yourself or someone you infect? Are they not real people? Did they know the risks so it’s ok that some of them die so that people like you can “live their best life?”

You are part of the problem. Full stop. You are endangering peoples’ lives selfishly.


Don’t bother. He knows all of that stuff. It’s all an attempt to justify morally indefensible behavior because he is one of the majority in the US that are so selfish that they are willing to literally kill a stranger to ensure that they get to keep doing all of their absolute favorite things.


In their defense this whole system sucks a lot to be a part of… with all of our favorite things. Most people work jobs they don’t like for way more hours than feels good, and they want their bread and circuses in exchange. If they could barely tolerate it before COVID imagine expecting them to go without for 12-24 months.

Look this isn’t that hard for me, but I was already a socially isolated introvert with a job that doesn’t take much out of me.

I’m pretty sympathetic to some corporate wage slave who is required to go to the office, where his/her coworkers have shitty mask discipline, come home to the kids who are now in public school covid factories, who decides fatalistically that they are fucked either way and goes out to Chili’s.

We had plenty of time and opportunity over the last 30 years to make the situation more bearable for people so that they weren’t always on the edge of falling off the cliff… and we pushed them closer to the cliff edge. Now we want to get mad at them because they can’t mentally take living on that cliff edge without their diversions?

Eh… it just feels icky.

At the same time Mike seems like a scumbag so shame away on him. Just try to find some compassion for people who can’t bring themselves to do the right thing for 6-12 times longer than they probably needed to if this was handled medium well.


I agree - every part of this sucks. But it sucks harder and longer because of selfish dummies.

There are a million ways to derive entertainment in the COVID-19 world that don’t include getting drunk in a bar or attending 60 thousand person gatherings. Eschewing just those couple of things helps everyone get their iced tea refills, whether you’re a wage slave or the President of the United States. If you are too selfish to make that absolutely most minimal of sacrifices to not execute my mother, you are pretty much irredeemable, imo.

The bar here isn’t avoiding all human contact and living in a dank basement for 10 years subsisting on rainwater and grubs. We’re talking about skipping Bike Week just this once, or watching the football game on television, or seeing your friends in smaller groups while wearing a mask.

The whole “isolating like I’m in a POW camp will drive me insane, I’m a social person!” thing is a false equivalency. Nobody is asking for that. Just maybe skip the actual top 2 or 3 super-spreader behaviors, pretty please with sugar on top?!


“OPEN FOR BUSINESS” means reduced seating and hours, lots of people are avoiding restaurants, lots of people are out of work and can’t afford to eat out. idk, maybe things are fine in your neighborhood, but restaurants in the rest of the US are getting hammered by COVID.

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There hasn’t been reduced seating here in months. I agree that they are getting hammered but it has nothing to do with government restrictions in most red states and restaurants are still closing right and left. And you said it right in your post. People aren’t eating out as much. That is much more of a problem for most restaurants than reduced seating in the places that have that restriction. That isn’t changing while we do little to nothing about the virus and have 50,000 new cases a day.

Pretty much this. I have done the following in the past 5 months and don’t think I am a monster:

-4-6 person outdoor only backyard get togethers.
-3 camping trips with other people.
-Eaten on patios 5 times or so.
-Gone to see our parents and had them come here.
-Done takeout/delivery a lot.
-Hit the grocery store throughout.

Things we haven’t done:
-Traveled by air.
-Indoor dining/bars.
-Large events like sports or concerts.
-Larger scale get togethers

Is that a significant change from normal? Yup. Normally we are traveling a couple months a year. So instead we have gone and camped some places we always wanted to. Normally we ate out or went to bars 4-5 times a month. Instead we have gotten much better at cooking and redone our patio to make our own space more pleasant. Normally we are fairly social. Instead we have had smaller get togethers with people, outdoor only. The sports and music we have just watched/listened to at home.

Now is that life worse than normal? Yes, slightly. But we have modified all our behavior to trade out high risk behavior for low risk behavior. The thought that going from that back to “living our best life” at the expense of the health of the people around us or maybe ourselves seems incredibly selfish.

People seem to be losing sight of the fact it won’t be this bad forever. It likely won’t be this bad in 9-12 months.


Your list of activities done / not done is almost exactly the same as mine.


+1 to exact same as here. Seems like a fairly responsible way to handle the current situation.


+1. You can win every single argument on the merits, and on the other side “Fuck you I’m going to do what I want” is waiting for you.

I’ve mostly stayed home, but every so often I still like to go out and lick door handles just to stay sane.


Had a stress dream that I went to a restaurant for brunch and was sitting at an indoor table next to strangers with no one wearing masks

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I’ve had this dream maybe a dozen times now. :/

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Same. I was at some convention-type thing in a Vegas-style resort, and was definitely getting pozzed.

Really like this as a data visualization but kind of hate that they selected cases per million since June 1, 2020. It seems like an easy way to lie with data and “disprove” , at least in the minds of the deplorables, since it is slicing it using a favorable timeline. I’d be interested to see 7 day rolling average cases per million, since it probably tells the same story but is a stronger statistic.

Today I read an article about a german firm “Biontech” whose vaccine looks pretty good in tests so far. They deciced to start mass production and started the final approval process. Of course the two owners(who are also researchers) are set to become billionaires or probably already are since the stock value tripled since March. Now that the we actually dont think billionaires should exist how do we tackle that problem? Do we tax the hell out of them? Should it have been the states that develop the vaccine? I am not even jealous. I mean who doesnt dream to find the cure or a vaccine for a dangerous disease/virus. But would we even see this amount of research all over the world if you couldnt become rich in the end? Difficult questions.

Most of the maskless Chili’s goers are the ones that voted for the guy who couldn’t handle this medium well and instead threw a slab of frozen steak on the plate and said “Bone appetite!”

I don’t disagree, but I think it’s worth it to have some sympathy for stupid people. Just imagine how unpleasant it would be to be alive in 2020 with a lower than average IQ.