COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Yeah I posted the conspiracy theory about this right after he " got " it. Who knows with these dipshits.

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This reminds me. I think you made a Lindros crack the other day, and I think I forgot to respond. Given that you’re a Rangers fan, I feel compelled to let you know that the Rangers suck. When I was in high school, there was a kid on my bus who was a Rangers fan. For whatever reason, it seemed like every year the Rangers would be in the mix to get in the playoffs, but everyone else would have games in hand. This kid would talk trash, we’d tell him the Rangers sucked, and he’d be like “Not this year!”

Then the games in hand would be made up, and they’d finish like 9th. Of course, he got his revenge on us. He was the backup goalie on our school’s roller hockey team (no ice hockey available), and eventually the starter graduated or whatever. This kid fancied himself the next Patrick Roy, but was incapable of just dropping down into the butterfly. He had to jump then fall. Of course, other teams figured this out after a couple games, and they’d just wind up and then fire right at his five hole, which literally stretched from post to post because he’d jump.

We’re losing games like 8-2 because of this kid, and we’re self coached so we’re screaming and yelling at him in the locker room and on the rink, “JUST FALL DOWN!!!” He’s like, “If you think it’s so easy, you play goalie!” But none of us had the pads to even try, and nobody’s parents were down to buy hundreds of dollars of new equipment because we fancied giving goalie a try for a game or two.

If Bolsonaro told me water is wet I wouldn’t believe him.

Brazil bought a lot of Hydroxychloroquine, then a bunch of reports come out that the stuff doesn’t help Covid patients. Next Bolsonaro announces he is infected. Shortly after that he claims Hydroxy cured him. Yeah, I‘m skeptical.

Wow. I had to look that up. 552k Jan 2018. I would have lost a figure on taking over a million. This figure seems extremely low to me and I don’t even live in CA

Wow so much analysis and number crunching. You guys are really panicking and grasping at some false sense of control, huh? I suspect you guys want to feel like you’re “doing something” while those around you are doing their best to kill you.

I don’t see any of this kind of analysis from my Canadian friends any more. They just put on their masks and distance and shut up about it lately for the most part. 5 new cases out a population of 3 million yesterday in Toronto =/

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We shouldn’t get too smug. Alberta is quickly moving back in the wrong direction after having it all under control. :disappointed:

Hopefully the mask mandate kicking in this week curbs it.


A data point I haven’t seen anyone discussing when it comes to IFR that seems more pristine than most is South Korea. They quickly scaled testing and tracking and tracing and have likely caught the majority of cases. CFR is going to trend very close to IFR

298/14092 is 2.1%.

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Yes Alberta has, for all intents and purposes, an American mentality. We saw it during the seat belt ban and we continue to see it now decades later. Albertans took their right to die in a car wreck all the way to the Supreme Court. Hopefully we can contain the tumour and it won’t spread. The only nutters that remain outside of that bubble are QAnon and conspiracy dumb dumbs.

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There are better examples of countries that caught almost all their cases, like NZ (22/1557 = 1.4% CFR) and Iceland (10/1854 = 0.53%) but there are issues with the samples, for example Iceland’s cases trended younger than population. I mean Singapore has 27 deaths on 50,000+ cases for a CFR of 0.05%, but that’s because their outbreak was concentrated in (young) migrant worker accommodation. South Korea did well but they definitely did not catch anything like all of their cases.

Canadian winter definitely supports social distancing. Honestly in March the government was like OMG STAY HOME and I looked out the window and was like, ok, no problem. Now everyone wants to go camping or to the beach and I get that.

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Luckily it’s still hovering around 1% positive rate so not terrible, yet!

If cutting up quotes to make yourself look right is the best you got it’s probably best for both of us that you put me on ignore.

I don’t have much time to devote this week with the big trip but here is a quick suggestion

You need a state with some movement in SDI. Probably something that looks like stair steps where it plateaus for a couple or three weeks then moves up or down and plateaus again.

You might simply then figure out the weekly growth rates. (Today’s 7RDA over a week ago).

Then try and plot SDI vs growth but be sure to have the week offset. Don’t worry about trying to classify SDI to a certain growth rate. Let the graph infer that for you.

In excel column x would be
Week 1 SDI
Week 2 SDI…

Column Y would be
Week 2 growth
Week 3 growth…

Make sense?

That sucks

Couldn’t the importance of initial viral load have something to do with improvements in death rate? The virus remains very communicable, of course, but people are now getting it more from things like incidental outdoor contact or a brief encounter at the supermarket and are therefore more likely to fight it off. I feel like that could also help explain the New York situation, subways and the general proximity in which people live to each other could have increased the likelihood that initial exposure was more deadly. #teaminitialviralload


I like how the USA derposphere (at least the sites I read) have pivoted from who cares nobody dies to the cases are falling now so who cares

Herd immunity is not happening, and if it does we’re talking millions dead in the US.

I think the reason you’re getting so much pushback is that you’ve been pushing various long shot hopeful scenarios for a long time. Still waiting for the summer slow down.


So the trumpalos pushed HCQ again yesterday, including a doctor named Stella Immanuel. Turns out she also believes in demon sperm and alien DNA

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Yes, and the local parents/moms Facebook group is posting that stupid video as a reason to support in-person schools. It’s infuriating.