COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL


Find me a more FLORIDA headline/story than this:


young people couldn’t get tests before…

Separately, time for some VILLAGES LETTERS TO THE EDITOR!!!

To the Editor:

It’s time to hide your bias. Your coverage of the incident that Villagers are embarrassed over is so one-sided. Yes, the man who yelled “white power” was wrong and should be criticized. But how about those of us who are not only embarrassed but offended by the cheap uncouth potty mouth who spewed such vulgarity but seems to have drawn a pass in your coverage?
Oh, by the way I’m an Independent voter.

Randall Aguiar
Village of Virginia Trace

Randall is -1000000 to vote for Daddy again

To the Editor:

What the golf cart parade participant said and was pictured around the world was inappropriate. However the “slanted” liberal national news left out the equally abominable woman yelling at each cart, “You are a F***ing Nazi” and blocking the street and their progress.
I wonder what world opinion would have been if both images were given equal time. The slanted national story was purposely done to discredit the right wing people having their right to express their views and took the president’s comments out of context and pinned it to one incident. At least our gave equal time to the whole story. Maybe the national news should take a lesson from Ms. Minton on how to report the facts.

Donald Simson
Village of Santiago

Get 'em Donald!


Some speculation on twitter that Nick Cordero, a canadian actor died from Covid.

That’ll move the needle!

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In these broken days, everyone is on edge - staff, patients, family, friends, me. I walk out of clinic everyday feeling like I just survived being pounded by the ocean on a rocky outcrop for 8-9 hours - gasping for air, getting hurt, and getting my head above water again just be dragged back under. Not only am I risking my life, everyone is angry about something. People lie to get past safety check points. No, they haven’t had a fever. No they didn’t just take a bunch of Tylenol to bring it down. No, they aren’t going out to eat, and they didn’t just spend the weekend with family and friends. No, they don’t have COVID symptoms. They think if they can get to me for evaluation and treatment, then they don’t have to go to the ER, which is the normally where they’d be sent. (They are sent to ERs because my staff and I do NOT have all the appropriate personal protective equipment to safely handle the extremely sick. And, what we do have, we are not wearing, because these people just lied about their symptoms.)

From a friend of mine whose a nurse for a private practice in a hospital in KC.


My own mother asked me what I thought of her taking Tylenol to mask her fever a few weeks ago so she could get in for her podiatrist appointment.

If this truly is an airborne virus, which it looks like it is, it’s very odd that it doesn’t have a higher R0 value.

Wouldn’t front-line healthcare workers be dropping right and left if this was heavily aerosolized?

My wife is a preschool/kindergarten teacher. She’s taking time off from classroom teaching and is going to tutor instead. Too much risk and teaching little kids over Zoom is miserable for her.


You can throw the six foot rule right out the window if this spreads the same way measles does. But there may be some nuances to this that I don’t know about.

I think everyone agrees it doesn’t spread the same was as measles, therefore not really aerosolized very often. Airborne != aerosolized, depending on whom you ask.


What I’m arguing is that the lag is longer than back then because back then we tested later after someone got sick (likely a few weeks) and tests took longer to return.

So we have a bit of time to wait before we know the death rate of this current surge.

At the same time, it can also be true that it’s skewing younger now so will have a lower rate and it can also be true that the hotspot states now are worse about fudging numbers than earlier states.

My understanding is that airborne = aerosolized, but I could be wrong.

With the spike in cases continuing in Victoria, the NSW-VIC border will be closed midnight Tuesday for the first time in 100 years, shutting down travel between Australia’s two largest cities.

older/at risk are more likely to be quarantining. young people are yolo. young people couldn’t get a test previously but now they can. young people more likely to be asymptomatic so they spreading it faster. thus, infection rate is rising but death rate might not.

Read the NYT article. That’s the whole debate.

Riverman’s The Villages Updates are one of the things I like most about this place.

Keep 'em coming.

I also like (mostly from Suzzer, I think) the periodic ChiefsPlanet line checks, but I don’t see those as much anymore.


As that article points out, there isn’t really a meaningful distinction. Question I have is why don’t CV or flu spread like measles? Are these viruses not able to survive long in air? Do they require a larger quantity to cause infection- so small droplets aren’t as dangerous?