COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Get the best masks u can and get it over with. We are not getting better any time here and u def wanna beat any more dangerous second wave later this year. Could u give a brief NICA Covid TR if u have time please?

Mask attitudes
Population taking it seriously
Politicizing it

The story had me at Florida

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I’d suggest trying to rent a car when you get to Miami, then you could try to drive to a state that’s taking this seriously, but you’d probably end up having to drive all the way to chicago. It would suck, but getting on a full plane with people from Miami would be pretty terrible too.


Tell him to sign up here and join the fun. Unless he’s a MAGA chud.

I actually believed it after the first 2 words , a Florida

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Posted this in the education thread, but it’s a blend of education, immigration, and COVID all mixed up in one terrible recipe:

Service is back and better than ever! We will be having our Release Party in the gym TONIGHT at 6:45. There will be games, awesome giveaways, free food, a DJ and music , and the start of our new sermon series. AND we’ll be starting Summer Nights afterwords with karaoke and basketball ! We hope to see you there!

This was a post on Facebook from the young lady’s church for the “Covid Party” she attended. The post has since been deleted.

Mom is an anti-vaxxer as well and keeps a public facebook profile that is filled with conspiracy theories about underground governmental networks and mind-control. She’s a devout follower of Q, and frequently re-posts articles from breitbart and the federalist.


I have no idea how to get my hands on the medical examiners report


Damnit. The numbers around here were finally looking good enough that I was thinking about maybe, possibly, in a super careful way going to see another human being (other than grocery store employees) in person for the first time since March and Trump is going to start forcing thousands of people back onto the Metro and into Federal office buildings. Seriously, fuck this guy.

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Wow Dave Jamieson is a journalist? I went to grammar school-HS with his older sister. He still looks the same when he was a kid.

I’m still waiting for my test results that should be back sometime today. But I started thinking, and I’ll probably jinx myself into a horrific covid death typing this. But I’m a week since potential exposure, and don’t have any symptoms at all. And the way the country is going it basically looks inevitable that this thing just runs through the population over the next year. So given those two assumptions, should I be rooting for a positive result and hope that my lack of symptoms so far would be mean I’m one of the lucky ones that this doesn’t affect much?


yeaaaa one way car rental from South Florida to just about anywhere sounds like a pretty terrible option as well!

“Could u give a brief NICA Covid TR if u have time please?”

I’m in a beach town, so life is here is very chill. There’s no government restrictions whatsoever, most restaurants are open but mostly empty, they almost all offer delivery now. Bars are similar, the open air ones right on the beach will get some people around sunset, but not much going on after that. There’s 2 or 3 expat bars that the gringos hang out in at night, these are the ones who never wear masks, ignore the virus completely. I’m sure there’s local bars with the same type of crowd.

Mask compliance, ehhh most people in town are wearing them in the shops. The banks, supermarket, and the nicer 24/7 air conditioned shops require them. Walking in the street you’ll about 50/50 masks, on the beach you’ll see almost no masks, which seems fine to me. It’s not a crowded place, and a lot of the life is outdoors here, so that probably helps keep the spread lowish?

It’s really hard to say how bad it is here though! I mean it’s definitely around, you hear about people that have had it and such. In the capital Managua you hear rumors of mass graves being dug at night. I’d assume its pretty bad, the government is suppressing everything though.

Educated Nicas are definitely more like to take it seriously just because nobody believes their President and if Ortega says it’s no big deal then it’s clearly the opposite! A lot of the expats here, and especially on the facebooks groups think it’s just flu/media scare tactics/hoax whatever so everything posted about social distancing/mask just turns into these giant flame wars. It’s hard to say if that’s just a very vocal majority, but yea a lot of expats are anti government conspiritards.

And it is gorgeous here, I can rent a moto and explore different beaches, I go down to the main beach basically every evening to run/exercise/swim/meditate/watch the sunset whatever. It’s a shame I don’t surf, if I did I don’t think I’d ever leave. It’s also a bit lonely, as normally I’d go to a bar to meet new people, but now the people hanging out in bars are exactly the type of people that I don’t want to meet! Bonus photo from this week


I guess you’re off Little Corn and around San Pedro del Sur now?

I would still be rooting for not getting it at all. I don’t think we know enough about the long term effects of the virus in asymptomatic and mild cases.

Yup, San Juan del Sur, ha.

Er that.

I was able to get my hands on a few N95s for my wife if she decides to go back to the classroom. The more I think about this situation the more pissed I get. Teachers are about to become sacrificial lambs because this country doesn’t give a fuck about the poor or middle class. Her school is 95%(!) free and reduced lunch. She’s basically going to be babysitting 29 children because we won’t provide a living wage or have any safety net at all.


SC numbers:
1500 new cases (plateau)
18.8% positive (plateau)
1260 hospitalizations (flat since yesterday)
7 deaths (Holiday weekend so not reading into this)

The picture the data paints is that the disease is widespread but for now mostly in the younger population, meaning fewer hospitalizations than you’d expect. @anon38180840’s Model suggests a low End threshold for hospitalizations roughly double what we actually have thus far according to the numbers. When you combine this with low deaths overall in the state we can predict that the situation here it’s not yet as dire as what we are seeing in Florida, Texas, Arizona and even California, But that that could change quickly. For now we still have plenty of room in our hospitals and what appears to be a low Rt (although still over 1 for now)

This is what happens in the USA too!

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Davis allegedly gave her daughter azithromycin, an anti-bacterial drug with no known benefits for fighting COVID-19, after she developed headaches, sinus pressure and a cough, Jones reported.