This scares me as my FIL just had a heart surgery on Thursday in Orange County. I hope he stays OK


Villages starting to see some cases and deaths


A place like Florida is so so far away from herd immunity (if that even ends up being a thing). Going for it is insane so of course they are going for it.

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So has anyone figured out why the villages haven’t been devastated yet? I mean we know they’re straight up licking door knobs and coughing in each others mouths to own the libs. From what I’ve read for olds they socialize a fuck ton.

Worldometers has the county data a day earlier. The 19xx Houston/Harris County day was reported two days ago rather than yesterday. Thanks for all your hard work on this btw.

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Maybe Covid is a hoax after all.

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I still think this has them pretty shook. They are old after all. I suspect they aren’t sleeping around as much as normal.

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We should probably accept that there is a lot of dumb luck on who gets sick.


The numbers are a bit more detailed in the Czech Republic.

According to the Czech government, 10% of covid19 carriers required hospitalization. About 20% of those hospitalized has a condition severe enough to require ventilation or another means of life support. So in total that’s 2% of all patients here. Now, it’s reasonable to believe that a significant portion of those cases ended up with the patient dying. So that could be cut down to an even lower number. Then, you have to separate the survivors into full recovery and those who haven’t fully recovereed.

To me, those people in that article represent 1% of all who have received covid19. The ones who are in their 20s and all that definitely appear to be anomalies.

They live in a bubble where a lot of them don’t go farther than where a golf cart can take them and spend a lot of time outdoors?


Nice phrasing. Waves of Covid I presume.

Remember when it comes to mask wearing, their mask is probably more important than yours. If you are around people wearing a mask and others have naked faces than your protection is less than half what it should be.

Woof woof if you catch my meaning.

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Update from my wife’s ICU here in OKC metro. Their ICU is full with 4 people waiting in other units for an ICU bed. About a third of the people in ICU/waiting are Covid positive.

The number of Covid hospitalizations has been steadily rising from a low of zero in late May to now a significant number. It is abnormal to have her ICU full in June. Normally she gets put on call for half the summer as hospital census is much lower than the rest of the year.

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Maybe for some reason having herpes makes you resistant to COVID-19?



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