I was assured by the President that if there were any flare ups they would quickly “put out the fires” so all this talk about “increasing cases” and “record hospitalizations” must be wrong.

I mean, you don’t see Fauci and a team of hotshot contact tracers parachuting into Phoenix right now, do you?

Just shocking that Trump and the dipshit class of society are wrong again. Who could have seen that coming.

Re accountant derail. When my now 70 year old guy was a pup he had to sub in to tax court for a partner last minute. The client was Russian and involved in the east coast waste management business (ahem).

They lost something worth $50,000 a year for 3 years. The client wrote a $150,000 check on the spot. He was terrified that he would be in trouble back at the firm. Nope. Turns out the client new it was dicey and had been doing it for like 13 years but the IRS could only claw back 3 years. So in the clients mind he was ahead $500,000. (I’m likely screwing up the details).

Point being as long as it’s not fraud In bad faith, it’s just a negotiation. If you take the same risk with Covid you could be dead or kill your parents.

Can one ever be wrong if one never acknowledges reality?

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My parents live in a Villages-esque community in California and afaik they haven’t really been overwhelmed with cases. My mom says everyone takes precautions and her and my dad are good about masking despite being Trumpy but it’s still kind of surprising that they haven’t seen more, not to mention that I think both of my parents got it in March.

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Nice way to pick 4 at or near their peaks.

South Carolina also peaking.

Would have been hard to pick a red state that is not at or near their peak. They all are pretty much excluding the micro population states.

Indiana is doubt surprisingly fine right now. But, it’s just a matter of time.

Trump going to start pitching wigs and hair transplants as Covid treatments…

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I just went to check out my gym, 3x more cars in the parking lot than ever before on even the busiest day. I looked inside - no masks. Everyone I saw looked in their 20s. Oh well - gonna have to live without deadlifts for a while longer.

One of the biggest deplorable pieces of shit I’ve ever met now has COVID. Was out and about at the bars, posting to Facebook about it while also saying the virus is a liberal hoax. He’s late 60s with prior heart surgeries and is a cancer survivor. Truly impossible to overstate what a piece of shit this guy is. I don’t want him to die but I’m not shedding any tears either.


Is he bald?


Thoughts and prayers.



Would it be fair to say you don’t want him to die, but you wouldn’t mind him getting acquainted with a ventilator for a long period of time?

One of the issues was with company legal presence. Example given was that people could not work from Alaska but could from Florida. Nobody cares if you work from there for 2 weeks pretending to be on holiday but if you are there for months then this is a legal risk for the company. Same when not working in your country of (tax) residence for extended times. It is not just the employee that gets into tax issues when found out. If a couple of people do it without the company knowing then nobody cares but this was about official company policy in a post covid more flexible work environment. Company can’t make breaking the law official policy.

I gotta say of all the potential outcomes of covid - I didn’t have my perfect nice cheap uncrowded gym that has everything I want becoming completely overcrowded and ruined, even for non-covid times - as one of them.

Very bummed.

Just saw a previous Coronavirus patient return to the ICU after being cleared from the virus. He never made it onto a ventilator the first time around, but a previously healthy early 40s guy has lungs that look like an 80yo coal miner and heart failure. He’s back with unrelated bacterial pneumonia after being out of the hospital for a month.