The other 200+ common cold viruses use the same receptor and only this one uses a different receptor?

You are way underestimating they power of Mother Nature (mutation and recombination events followed by natural selection).

All you need are three things

Generation of the new virus which happens all the time. Probably multiple multiple times a day in nature. as we crowd species together in smaller habitats we probably increase the recombination events

The new virus has an infinity for Homo sapiens. Eater but not infinitely so. probably just as random as it ever was

The virus needs to get into a human and start the transmission chain. we def increase this chance by increasing the population living in contact with the reservoir animals

Influenza does this all the time. SARS and MERS are coronoviruses in this century.

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Hopefully this is true for Decimated trump republicans in 2022 looking for cash.

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I made the right decision to stop reading this thread every day


Unfortunately, this is my State Rep. And I know him personally.

The Lake of the Ozarks stuff doesnā€™t even look like stuff Iā€™d find enjoyable without a virus roaming around. Iā€™m getting old apparently


I think I missed this part because idk what youā€™re talking about. Sorry :(


I mean, itā€™s basically a NASCAR tailgate in a pool. Iā€™d rather slam my dick in a car door.


Maybe Iā€™m strange but that looked like good fun to me, you know if there wasnā€™t a deadly virus going around. But I love NASCAR tailgates too.

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These people are nuts.

And now, Florida:

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Looks like same video from ozark.


Itā€™s certainly true often that expert opinion is a dog to be true. It can be the most likely take to be true and still be a significant dog vs. the field.

Thatā€™s my prediction

Why wouldnā€™t the carnage start to become apparent in about 4 to 6 weeks from now?

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Got my furry ass dog a grooming appointment next week. Heat is killing him with his natural cashmere sweater. Hope it goes well.

uhh, that ā€œstupid reasonā€ is called friendship, dummy


They also were assuming this thing spread like SARS at first - big sputum droplets, only after symptoms show up. It took a while for information to trickle out that small breath droplets, which can remain airborne for a few minutes, are being shed asymptomatically from the throat.

Although you have to think the WHO and CDC at least suspected C19 was somewhat airborne, based on spread rates.

If at least a third of your body is underwater, you can not get Covid. I thought everyone knew this?