COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

had to reschedule mine to Friday afternoon. I’ve got 3x pfizer so far but going for moderna this time

I had 3X Moderna and the only side effects were shot site swelling and it felt like I got punched in the arm for 24 hrs after; anyone else have that? If I book Moderna I think I know what to expect.

I went to my appointment at Walgreens to get Pfizer, and they told me they didn’t have the updated shots yet. Thankfully I was able to snipe another appointment for today (although much farther away), but this time for Moderna, so I’ll be one data point.

But for everyone, I’d call ahead to make sure that they actually have the updated shots so that you don’t waste a trip.

I got 2x Pfizer, which mainly made me kinda drowsy for a dayish, and 1 moderna, which gave me a brief bout of violent shivers in the middle of the night, but that otherwise wasn’t noteworthy.

Yeah, I looked last week on CVS site and said fuck it, I’ll just wait until closer to winter, in large part because it was wildly unclear whether each individual store had an updated vax or not. Not the smoothest roll out.

The cdc has recalled the not updated boosters. At this point you can only get the bivalent one.

Are they just ending shots for 5-11 year olds then? That would seem odd. UK is just ending routine vaccines for 5-11 year olds, but I hadnt heard that for boosters here.

I woke up this morning a little dehydrated, but maybe I just didn’t drink enough water yesterday. I got an ache at the injection site that I’m not sure I’d pay any attention but for knowing that I got a shot there yesterday. So basically no side effects, other than the improved cell signal in my house.


Sorry, I should have clarified. They recalled the original boosters for people over the age of 12. They are still giving the original vaccine as the primary series in adults and children, and as boosters in children. The anticipation is that they will approve updated boosters for children in the next few months so that probably actually means sometime in late 2024.

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Thanks, was going to be very confused by what the FDA was doing if they were just ending boosters for the U12s. Wonder if they’ll migrate the primary series over time.

I read somewhere that they are not. Essentially the new primary series is two doses of OG vacccine 3 or 4 weeks apart plus one dose of updated booster 2 months after that.

Why would they still be giving OG vaccine when cron is 99% of the current infections and the new stuff still covers both?

The reasoning is beyond me. @CaffeineNeeded or @MrWookie might be able to explain it.

Despite being exposed to my daughter five days ago when she had a sore throat and a positive test the following morning, I’ve been feeling fine and today tested negative.

I have a OM booster scheduled tomorrow. I’m 16 weeks from my fourth vax. Assuming I’m negative again tomorrow, should I even get the booster tomorrow rather than waiting a couple of months while my immunity gradually fades?

If you test negative, I would get the new booster right away

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haven’t looked into it, guessing because only the og vaccine has the data for initial vaccination

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Yeah I’m guessing it is a data/testing/approval thing rather than a likely optimal by the science thing.

I am not in the room where it happens, but the best argument is evidence. Even while we know that the old shots have waned in effectiveness, they are still much more proven to be safe and effective than the new boosters. I have no reason to doubt the new shots’ safety or efficacy, but biology is complicated. Proven has a lot of advantages over something that is subtly changed relatively to the proven thing, hopefully and reasonably hypothesized to be for the better, but where we are still waiting on the strongest data.

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Everyone sure seems to be getting covid again. Granted, I spent the weekend at a massive cosplay con jammed in hotel rooms and drinking with strangers, so it’s to be expected. Basically everyone who hadn’t been sick so far is sick now as a result.

Except, weirdly, me. And my fiancé. We both solider on, against all odds.

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Nationally, we’re seeing daily new cases at a (low) level that hasn’t been seen since July 2021, sparing the 2 month lull between BA.1 and BA.4/BA.5 this past March and April (the lull between delta and omicron never got this low), and it’s still dropping. There is an emerging new variant, BA.4.6, which is growing in abundance even while BA.5 is also growing in abundance. It’s not clear yet if BA.4.6 is going to become a new wave, or if it’s mainly going to outcompete BA.4 (only) while cases continue to fall. I haven’t looked into how much different BA.4.6 is from BA.4, and if it has any mutations that would suggest substantial immune escape, either compared with BA.4’s ability to escape the original vaccines, or if it might substantially escape the new vaccines, but if anyone comes across a decent article on the subject, I can try to take a look.