COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!



Sure, but the vaccines held up well against Delta.

Vaccines were very effective against Delta. A new lineage is possible, but I’m not sure there will be much evolutionary pressure if like 50-60% of the country is not boosting every 6-12 months and natural immunity only lasts a couple months.

I don’t know where to post this but I’ll post this here.

So when the pandemic was at its peek I filed for unemployment.

But the local bridge club moved to online most bridge clubs did at the time. Online bridge director is almost doing nothing for smallish games which these were.

In retrospect the best thing I should have done was to refuse to direct these games while on unemployment. But I wanted to help the bridge club…

But in yeah I was getting 0$ for directing the games because I was on unemployment. Even worse treasurer of the club fucked up a 0 and now I have to fight an audit…ugh…

Such a PITA…sorry you have to deal with this. No good deed goes unpunished.


The first rule about bridge club…


Infuriating shit. Masks don’t work, vaccines don’t work. Ideology over data. They promised masks would stop the spread!

I don’t understand how anybody with his whiny irritating voice can be a successful politician.

As an added bonus, the use of “woke” as a noun, which fills me with inexplicable rage, “Florida is where WOKE goes to die!”

In fairness, Florida is where pretty much everyone goes to die.


He said you got paid $00?

Seriously though sorry to hear that.

I am triple vaxxed been considering fourth but should I wait for the multi strain vaccination?

Overwhelming thought is no since you may not be able to get the multi strain for a while and the multi strain is for og Omicron and may not be great against ba.5.
You may as well get 4 now and then #5 later.

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“They they they they they” “Fear fear fear fear fear.” The one to one fascist playbook. Other everyone who doesn’t agree with you.

Anybody know what the fuck ESG is?

I had to look it up:

“Environmental, social, and governance standards” = WOKE!

Holy shit, anything they can turn into an acronym to scare people with that has nothing to do with anything real they will do.

“leftist corporations” is always funny to me


The worst part is that it is effective.

I disagree. I think you’ll be able to get #4 within 2-3 months and I expect it to do well against BA.4 and BA.5. An original shot now will wane before Thanksgiving, and you’ll have less protection for the holiday season.

Reasonably optimistic about the new vax update against BA.5. Sort of a mystery to me if Omicron will be what we are worried about for the winter or if it will be Pi or Rho. No real view on whether the original vax or the new booster would be more effective against Pi or Rho. Some concern that boosters will diminish in effectiveness over time. So I dont really have any confidence one way or another on when or how to sequence boosters.

Data Im actually most interested to see is what a Novavax booster or full schedule does on top of a Pfizer/Moderna schedule.

Well Jha says we don’t have enough boosters for every adult this fall, so, guess I’d say get one now as pretty good chance the new ones are going to be rationed. Booster might be more for the high risk going forward rather than the annual flu shot model as Congress is not very interested at funding for COVID prevention (Republicans actively against it, very low priority for Dems)



Researchers at the University of British Columbia say they have discovered a weakness in major COVID-19 strains that could lead to universally effective treatments for those infected with most variants of the virus.

“Knowing that this site exists, that it is largely unchanged across all the variants tells us where we should focus and refine antibody design so we can make a better antibody,” says Sriram Subramaniam, a professor at the UBC faculty of medicine and senior author of the study. “The real value of the discovery is the identification of where to focus the design efforts.”

“It’s virtually certain that we will see more mutations as time goes by,” Subramaniam said. “The goal really here is to stay ahead of the virus and identify which parts are least likely to be mutated and zero in there.”

Here, we describe an antibody fragment (VH ab6) that neutralizes all major variants including the recently emerged BA.1 and BA.2 Omicron subvariants, with a unique mode of binding revealed by cryo-EM studies. Our results provide mechanistic insights into the structural, functional, and antigenic consequences of SARS-CoV-2 spike mutations and highlight a spike protein vulnerability that may be exploited to achieve broad protection against circulating variants.