COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

It’s about 30k in the US so it’s somewhere 15/20x less than Covid. But yes about the same. :\

At some point OFS doesn’t make sense regardless of policy cause the system collapses just like sports teams, hospitals etc.

But yikes


Yeah. Was still a resident, so I was adding duties for 22 bucks per hour.

Honestly? Still feel the pull… hard. A bit of it is for the patients, but more for the people I work with.

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Yeah this about sums up the shortsightnedness of the SCHOOLS MUST OPEN crowd.

So they open and… Do what??? When a huge % of the staff and students are out because they’re either positive or a close contact of someone who is, the school fails to function as it should.


Meh, cynically I think they’re still basically functioning as intended. They’re daycares. Any learning that takes place is secondary to getting the kids out of the home so mom and dad can work.


Is that a bug or a feature? The faster COVID spreads through that population, the sooner everyone returns to daycare!

Yeah but it’s better then remote learning?

No learning and Covid spread. What could be better?

Absolutely. The invasion of Iraq is obviously somewhere in the middle of these options.

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I can definitely see my school becoming that way in 2-3 weeks.

Not sure if the political will exists to go to remote learning because this administration has been in power for less than 2 months.

Man I am so glad that I am not a student during this, and that I ran away from the education field as quickly as I possibly could. Teachers don’t get nearly enough credit or pay under normal circumstances.

The hospital is almost certainly separate and wouldn’t be able to access that. I’d say I’m about 95% sure. Not sure how to verify it, though.

Actual strat: Just keep chugging, tons of sick and dead, hospitals overburdened but whatever, head down and plod through it until we peak and wait for the next variant then rinse and repeat.

I took a PCR test Tuesday morning and still don’t have results. This was at a local county health department. What was even the point?

There’s isnt one, we are back to just ten day quarantine or isolate if close contact or sick just like in early 2020. Only real reason is to aid future long COVID treatment

Jesus fucking christ.

Do you work at a school?


CZ’s peak will be in 21-28 days, not 7.

CZ was late to the game… SSUB - “no Omicron here” 5 days after USA#1 got the results back, proper French Authorties reckon they’re 10 days off peak, so CZ will be 2 weeks behind FR.

I’d wager on it but CZ won’t know when the peak is so hard to find a cite for win bet.

How many days are 2-3 weeks in the UK?