COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!


CZ’s peak will be in 21-28 days, not 7.

CZ was late to the game… SSUB - “no Omicron here” 5 days after USA#1 got the results back, proper French Authorties reckon they’re 10 days off peak, so CZ will be 2 weeks behind FR.

I’d wager on it but CZ won’t know when the peak is so hard to find a cite for win bet.

How many days are 2-3 weeks in the UK?


I love how the conservative Supreme Court has the hypothetical idea that the courts should be deferential to skilled agencies because judges aren’t specialists, but, in practice it only applies to companies saying that their toxic waste doesn’t harm anyone.


Many days. 14 to 21 usually but this would depend on whether you’re anal enough to coount the evenings on either end. Either way, it’s >7 days, which is where BUB set the bar for CZ’s latest wave to roll outta town.

Interesting and good faith interpretation of @superuberbob’s recent posting.

Jman, Jmanning

Lol, no. You took Bob’s post to mean he thinks the latest wave is “rolling out of town in a week?” GMAFB with this shit. Total continued good faith though.

What I get for unignoring a churchill post.


Having you stopped predicting NY and London’s peak yet or will you still predicting the peak in a weeks’ time?

I know it’s a (US) Friday night but let’s not turn this thread into one where we criticize other people’s predictions based on pedantry.


Theres a risk that if you have covid you could test positive for weeks or months. This can be a barrier to flying. Many rules that require a negative PCR test will allow an exemption if you can prove you have recovered from covid. This requires a positive PCR test in the past.

I.e. there is some value in getting a PCR test. I went and got one two days ago. Exactly for this scenario.


That’s what I’m thinking. However. I’m in a one room hotel room. Separate rooms isnt an option.

Churchill being plainly and obviously wrong about what Bob is saying, and then tripling down on that wrongness in the process of trolling him isn’t an issue of pedantry, nor is it a problem with any more than one poster.


Good point, haven’t been up to date on intl flights

You all know you dont have to have every conversation right?

Like you can just not respond and let the thread keep moving?



Edit. Taking my own advice. Sorry JT. Shouldn’t just respond to one post out of a longer run.

Endless bickering forum down the street


well if y’all are going to get drunk and chippy itt give me a bit to catch up

anyone got scotch reqs? like smooth more than peaty, but I’m down to try weird stuff