COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

I still wish they’d just graph the positives/total instead of making us eyeball the math.

Yes, I probably wasn’t clear, but this was what I was getting at. 0.2% is like 5-10 times worse than the seasonal flu, so the “lol it’s just the flu” takes are garbage in the best case scenario.


“They are infringing on Ma Civil Rights!”

Loled at mask nazis.

This hair salon owner in Dallas opened early, in violation of the order. She was cited but then made a big spectacle of tearing up her citation.

She ended up in front of a judge. The judge asked her to apologize for her behavior. She refused, so the judge found her in contempt and jailed her for 7 days with a $7,000 fine.

The best part Is a US senator said this:


She’s getting a GoFundMe worth hundred times that, isn’t she?


It’s a big story in right wing derp circles and has been for a bit. She got off easy in my book.


Yeah they are going nuts. I think judges have extremely wide discretion to enforce conduct in their court room. You got people calling for governor pardons and the rest.

Let us see if the governor of Texas pardons someone who was violating the very law they enacted.

more HeritagenotHate FB nonsense just because i need to vent:

Death number’s cant be trusted because “discrepancies that form a pattern” so all death counts should be taken with a grain of salt

Trump knows this but doesn’t speak out because he doesnt want it to be taken out of context

Hydroxy is a great cure per mutliple medical professionals around the world but because of Fauci and some “bunk” VA studies, we won’t use it.

I gotta admit, i had a hardy laugh about the “doesnt want to be taken out of context” bit.

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Donald Trump, Mincer of Words


NYC has also been tracking positive rates

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Dang, he is still holding onto those very wrong positions tightly.

The actual number of deaths in the US is at least 12k-15k below the official count, probably more. Nobody has ever put up a shred of an argument that they are being over counted.

And the hydroxy thing has been completely debunked. All we know now is that Trump was trying to force states like California to buy millions of doses so Trump could look like a hero.

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lol right on cue

Def just doesn’t want to be taken out of context, totally not because he doesn’t want to come across like an even bigger idiot than he usually does

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MN is ramping up! We have increased testing recently but cases are increasing more

pretty shocked to see my county (Hennepin) has way more positives than Santa Clara

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You’re still talking about hundreds of thousands of dead people in America.


Moms breathing got really bad the last two days. It was mostly when she was sleeping her lungs would fill up with fluid. Normally she’s fine after she wakes up and does a breathing streaming but this morning her breathing was really bad and we tried 3 breathing treatments and it didn’t work. tried a bunch of other stuff my nurse practitioner told me to do and it didn’t work.

Eventually it got bad enough that we had to call the ambulance.

So my mom is back in the hospital now with a tight chest and an extremely hard time breathing.

Since it is similar to last time I just think its the COPD, but the fact she’s in the hospital is obviously maximum danger.obviously.

Last update I got is she was breathing better and that they’re running tests including a covid19 test.

I’m terrified and not being able to visit her is so fucking tough along with knowing there is a high probability she catches it at the hospital…

Hoping for the best but preparing for the worst.


US not certain virus came from lab - Pompeo

The US does not have certainty regarding the origin of the novel coronavirus, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has told reporters.

“We don’t have certainty and there is significant evidence that it came from a laboratory,” he said. “Those statements can both be true. I’ve made them both.”

On Sunday, Pompeo said he had seen “enormous evidence” the virus came from a Wuhan laboratory, prompting China to ask him to reveal the evidence behind his claim.

The intelligence community has said the virus was not manmade or genetically modified, though they are looking into its origins. On Tuesday, the Pentagon said it had no conclusive evidence Covid-19 was intentionally released.

In response to a question from the BBC’s Barbara Plett Usher on his assertions about the virus’ origins, Pompeo said there was “no separation” in the answers from different US officials.

“We’re all trying to get clarity.”

Barbara Plett Usher says Pompeo’s comments are “the latest salvo in what’s been a torrent of criticism from the Trump administration”.

“Other countries have criticised Chinese behaviour and some are demanding accountability,” she notes. “But critics believe the Trump administration is also trying to deflect attention from its own slow response to the virus by hitting Beijing so hard.”

Went shopping with the wife (our usual 2 week or so grocery run) - I think Nevada is doing OK, probably 80%+ masks, pretty good about social distancing. Still no TP, but other than that pretty much was available, although the supermarkets were keeping some things on limit of 2 items. We’re lumped in with Vegas, and from what I can tell N Nev is taking it a bit more seriously than S Nevada. Our governor (Sisolak) seems to being a pretty good job - we came close to having Laxalt, who would be the equivilent of Gomer Pyle taking over, so I think we dodged a bullet there.

But at some point, they’re gonna have to open the resorts/casinos, and take off again - but I dunno how many people will try to fly/drive to Vegas in the state it’s going to be in, at least at the start. I’d be amazed if anyone wanted to travel, but the limit of idiots is endless.



I can’t imagine how rough the feelings of helplessness must be. Stay strong, there’s only so much you can do.