Agreed. I think we may have turned a whole generation of tiny house living, public transit riding urbanists into give me a backyard and my own car sprawlers…
Wonder what the new target will be? It seems obvious to me that the US with it’s strategy of Dying for the Dow Joans will be heading into the hundreds of thousands no problem over the next year.
Completely agree with this. Just finished the Dark Money book by Jane Meyer, which pretty much shows that there was a “don’t trust the government” movement as a reaction to civil rights and “forcing” a degree of legal equality. Where do you think Mitch McConnell’s obsession with judges comes from? It unites the racist anti-tax, anti-regulation plutocrats with the racist poor and “establishment” whites.
The “don’t trust the media” thing is right out of Fox News and likely has similar sources. Like I have been an obsessive media consumer for 30 years, subscribing to one to two newspapers and often 2-3 “current events” magazines. I’ve subscribed to the Nation and even the American Spectator, at the same time, mainly out of curiosity.
Media I’ve avoided have generally been the shallow right-wing newspaper in two newspapers towns (I got the LA Times [when it was good, which is after it was bad, though it was bad again from like 2005-2016, but it’s now getting better again] in OC and San Diego and the Post Gazette in Pittsburgh) and “local” news, because it’s puff and a waste of my time. However, it never occurred to me to “don’t trust the media”, just like it never occurred to me “don’t trust food.” There’s food that’s good for you, bad for you, tasty, satisfying, junk, whatever, there’s a whole range. But if you say, “don’t trust the media” you are saying something akin “information is evil” or “don’t believe anything other than what we (say, Fox) tell you, because we will tell you only what you want to hear.” I’ve never heard an intelligent word spoken by someone who said, as a blanket statement, “don’t trust the media.” If you don’t like “the media” get better media, there’s lots of it.
Really, I need to bing “the media” and find a good essay/article on the “don’t trust the media” meme and it’s sources. I suspect Nixon is involved.
Quiz show is definitely a top five of mine.
The line that stands out to me, among many, is “People who think everything is about money don’t have any.” Like, there are people who do things for money, but they rarely run things. People much more often do things for “ideas,” usually bad ones. People will pay tons of money and sacrifice many things to support their religion, whether it be actual region, racism, or their own inherent superiority.
Lying to start a war and then lying about when it was over and continuing to secretly drop more bombs than were dropped in all of WW2 caused people to distrust the government? Go figure.
I mean it was 30 years before they lied to start another war. C’mon, give them a break.
And the media going along with it.
The best thing about Fight Club is that it probably led somehow the the resurgence of the Pixies.
Yup. The modern Rogan bro who thinks Bush/Cheney were more evil than Sadaam has ancestral roots in The Unreconstructed South.
USA#1 (million cases)
I don’t think the conservative push to re-open is based on killing Democrats (literally), or even denying poors that sweet sweet unemployment cheese. It is simply that they want it all to be over and they are perpetually high on their own supply. Much like Trump, they think they can just will this thing away. There is absolutely no 4D chess case for Trump ignoring months of warnings, calling this a hoax and declaring it would magically go away. It’s just straight up stupidity based on winning each immediate interaction, with absolutely no intermediate much less long term plan.
You have to remember that the folks that hold elected office in today’s GOP are unimaginably stupid people. Like take the stupidest person you personally know, the median GOP House member or governor is probably stupider than that person. They all take their marching orders from lobbyists and donors, they don’t have the capacity for independent thought.
Many people are saying net lives have been saved during Covid
I do see a parallel between the liberty lovers who want to be Open For Business (come what may), and the Climate Deniers in that both fear the loss of life (writ large) from economic slowdown more than from nebulous scientific calamity.
Why are these meat factories in the US not able to stop outbreaks? China never closed them down and neither did Italy. Is meat processing done differently there? China had temperature checks, masks and people told to stay home with any symptoms which should also be possible in the US.
Those precautions cost money…
The main reason was that the CDC Changed there guidelines for Meat processing Plants, I assume their lobbying lobby got to the right people.
I think China imports most of its meat.
After research, this is wrong.
The US is a third world kleptocracy run by ignorant aristocrats that has no protections for workers.
In IMHE model is total shit news they have now updated their total US deaths from Covid-19 to 72,000. Embarrassing. At what point do they take the webpage down.