COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

This actually seems like bad news.

This implies something like 6 million infections +/- in the US. Probably more if German cases are older than US cases.

I was a bit ā€œuhhā€ when I read the first paragraph or two but the further I read, the more convinced I got. It seems like a good design.

From the front page of an Australian news website:


First World problems?

Oh check it out, Google has a thing now. I googled ā€œaustralian coronavirus cases by stateā€, which is a standard search I use to get to the page I want because Iā€™m too stupid to bookmark things. But this time this was tacked up the top:

10 cardiac arrests in a 16 hour shift is absolute madness. This guy deserves a sincere #tyfys


Exactly. This is why God invented soap.

NYC schools closed for remainder of academic year

Oxford professor says a vaccine could be ready by September

oh fuck off with this shit

(not aimed at you Fossilkid - just in case)

If heā€™s into villages and the countryside, donā€™t skip The Cotswolds


Greece of all places doing it right

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?.

Athens closed down all non-essential shops only four days after reporting its first Covid-19 death. In contrast, Italy and Spain did so after 18 and 30 days, respectively. A ban on non-essential movement in Greece came only a week afterwards ā€” faster than in either of the other two countries.

I frankly donā€™t get how we WOULDNā€™T have a vaccine in relatively short order. Make some weaker versions of the virus, do some trials to see which ones seem to work best, and start rolling that shit out.

I donā€™t care if we arenā€™t 99.99% sure we got it right, we are facing a combined Global Pandemic and Global Great Depression on Steroids, 98% or whatever is fine here to get started and the world can keep working on perfecting it/backup plans.

Donā€™t want people dying from the vaccine. Aside from the fact that the thing designed to cure becomes a lethal injection, it gives anti-vaxxers ammunition to destroy the concept of vaccines in general. Iā€™m sure theyā€™d win people over if this vaccine went to shit.

Government officials in Czech Republic are predicting that barring setbacks, businesses will be open within the month. Borders, on the other hand, are a whole different story. Not looking at weeks or months there. Gonna suck for people who want to buy books.

As for where I work, over 80,000 people have signed a petition requesting that schools stay closed for the rest of the school year for fear that the virus may spread. The Minister of Health recently stated that school would open by the end of May. I have to agree with the 80,000 people on this one. Tons of parents are gonna keep their kids home if schools open as they should. Itā€™s completely unrealistic to get children to wear masks all day and impossible to maintain social distancing. Just a time bomb set to go off.


You need to test a while to make sure itā€™s safe. Skip this step and rollout a dangerous vaccine worldwide and you kill millions.


Per usual, scumbag Anti-vaxxers can get a free ride from the rest of us getting the vaccine voluntarily. Iā€™d take that Oxford vaccine tomorrow if I donā€™t already have the antibodies. My chances of dying from the Coronavirus itself is something like 0.2% and Iā€™m getting a weaker version? Sure sign me up, and letā€™s get this over with.

It will take a long time to ramp up global production anyway. Once they get a few months of positive results in clinical tests this group can roll it out in Oxford, then London, then U.K. as a whole, etc. and stop if any problems are noted along the way.

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Master- you aware of the Gates plan?

Manufacture the top 7 vaccine candidates. Toss whatever doesnā€™t clear. Use the ones that pass.

That should save a few months. Still gonna be 2021 sometime.

If you knew a vaccine would be ready by September, shutting down everything until then would be justified.