COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

lol what is happening in here

everybody must have slept as badly as I did


Do you people have some other rhetorical technique other than rote sarcasm and snark in your repertoire? “Who keeps track of this?!?!?!?!?, herp flurp derp I AM VERY SMART”. Maybe take a break from the Daily Show for a day or two?

I guess I’ll just return the favor by telling you that NOT supporting the dipshit techbro Muskian sellout piece of shit Andrew Yang is one of the positive metrics. That guy that stole the (fake left) idea of UBI that has been around for decades and tried to present it as his own.


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For those of you not on Facebook, I present a derp “just asking questions”

So many questions:

  1. How come Event 201, wherein globalists met to simulate a corona virus pandemic in NYC just six weeks prior to the actual pandemic, had the likes of Bill Gates and media representatives discussing how to control a world narrative by circumventing the sovereignty of our States using covert and stealth means? Is this what you’d expect them to be doing when simulating a worldwide pandemic?

  2. How come WHO and China both stated up until Feb. 3 that the corona virus was not transmitted human-to-human and was not a problem, and then berated Trump for his travel bans with accusations that he overreacted?

  3. How come the mayor of NYC, even after Trump’s travel ban, encouraged his constituents to celebrate Chinese New Years in the city streets in late Feb?

  4. How come Pelosi went on live TV and told her constituents to come to Chinatown in late Feb?

  5. Why did both Dr. Fauci and the WHO Director both applaud China for how they handled the virus?

  6. Why is the CDC allowed to own vaccine patents? Isn’t that a conflict of interests?

  7. Why was funding for a corona virus dropped, according to Dr. Peter Hotez and other vaccine scientists, who argue that SARS, and the Middle East respiratory syndrome, or MERS, of 2012, should have triggered major federal and global investments to develop vaccines in anticipation of future epidemics. Instead, the SARS vaccine that Hotez’s team created in collaboration with scientists at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston is sitting in a freezer, no closer to commercial production than it was four years ago.

  8. How come both Obama and Cuomo did not refill their medical supply coffers after the H1N1 epidemic?

  9. Why have the hospitals been instructed to put Covid-19 as the cause of death even they are not sure or assume it with no proof? This skews all numbers extremely high.

  10. Why did Cuomo say that the stockpile of ventilators found in a NJ warehouse were not yet needed and that’s why they are stored there while also stating that his state needs more ventilators?

  11. Why was the USA shut down with only 48 deaths at the time? There was no shutdown with larger numbers of H1N1?

  12. Who owns the corona virus patents and do they have any bearing on vaccines being researched now? Who’s funding all the research?

  13. Why was the announcement of the successful testing of hydroxychloroquine made out to be unworthy of value at first? And why did Cuomo and Sisolak (NY and NV) ban it’s use in their States at first when we have the “Right To Try” policy in medicine?

  14. Did Gov Sisolak actually hoard huge amounts of hydroxychloroquine for his inmates as has been rumored by a leak from a company who received his order? Or is this false?

  15. Is it curious to anyone else that, in 2017 when Pirbright Institute in England was applying for its corona vaccine patents, that a married couple who ran the largest manufacturer of hydroxychloroquine were brutally murdered? Is it even furthermore of interest that they had donated medicines to the Clinton Foundation for Haiti and were speaking to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to donate billions to one of their other offshoot foundations? (Barry and Honey Sherman died Dec. 2017 from hanging by their pool)

  16. Who funds Pirbright Institute? Are they connected to globalists?

  17. Who is the largest independent funder for WHO? And what is his role?

  18. Why is Bill Gates and his ID2020 pushing for mandatory vaccines and ID chips for all?

  19. Why are some US politicians pushing for illegal immigrants to receive Covid-19 relief funding when our legal citizens still have not received any stimulus funding and some cannot even get onto the unemployment web site?

  20. Why is there no proof of any bats being sold in the Wuhan market wherein the virus supposedly originated?

  21. What ever happened to the Harvard Professor and the Chinese lieutenant who were arrested in January for lying about their involvement in assisting with virus research in the Wuhan lab?

  22. Why in the world were the Democrats spending so much focus and money on the impeachment trial with the pandemic starting, and why are they starting another attack on our President during the most crucial time of the pandemic?

  23. Has anyone verified the classified ads in a China paper wherein the Wuhan lab was advertising to hire persons to research transmissions of corona virus from bats to humans?

  24. Why are there no current safety tests for vaccines and no financial liability for the vaccine manufacturers if harm done? Why is there a taxpayer-funded account to pay out vaccine damages?

  25. Why is it okay for “my body, my choice” when it comes to abortion but not for the push on forced vaccines?

  26. One last thing to vet: Article written on Wednesday, 06 December 2017
    Bill Gates, Other Elites Inducted Into Communist Chinese Academy

I have a thousand other questions, and I feel they are all worth valid discussion with logic, facts and respect. If you want to debate or expound on any of the above, that’s wonderful. But, please do so without being rude and by use of vetted source references. Rudeness and unsupported opinions will be deleted. Thank you.

There’s uncertainty in the veracity of both the antibody test and the swab test.

It’s quite amazing that, despite all the king’s horses and all the king’s men, we pretty much still have no fucking clue what’s going on. I will go ahead and say that, as much as I doubt it, if this whole thing were just statistical smoke and mirrors–a theory I and others on here supported vocally a month ago and eventually backed off on–then it will be fucking hilarious.

Quarantine FEEEVAHH setting in. Everybody needs to chill the fuck out.


The world needs reliable finger prick antibody testing to be wide spread so badly. Personally I don’t buy the theory that there are lots of of asymptomatic people just wandering about because if there were wouldn’t we see way more random cases pop up and people dying that seemingly have had no contact with anyone infected.

Another thing is whenever an official gives a positive outlook I always discount it because they have been basically wrong every step so far.

It’s mostly my fault. I hate humans too much to converse with them without freaking out. I’mma go ahead and figure out how to ban myself.

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When my derpy mom tries JAQing off I’ve started to respond with “I don’t know, what’s your theory?” and then roast her for not caring to know the answer to her own question. Like how’s about you get out your cell phone and google the answer, I’ll wait! Oh you want to immediately move on now and don’t actually care I am so shocked!


Based on your diet it sounds like you hate yourself too. I wish you the best.

I hope who ever wrote that gets corona.

Yea, everybody in her page is very antivax.

Also, she claims she welcomes debates as long as you present vetted sources but will mostly respond with YouTube videos to “prove” whatever bullshit she’s spewing.

I’m not certain, but I’m sure she sells essential oils.

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It’s grim alright. At least the weather’s OK.

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Just so I’m clear. There’s no chance that today’s healthy instacart shopper is tomorrow’s super-spreader?

Another pretty good sign that summer isn’t going to do much is Puerto Rico’s numbers steadily ticking up. And you know they have probably extremely limited testing capabilities, it isn’t like Trump is sending fuck all there.

Just try to feel guilty no matter what option you choose.

On a serious note, obviously it is better for everyone if fewer people are in the grocery store. If one person can go in and deliver groceries for a hundred people that significantly lowers the virus footprint. I’m surprised, in some ways, that the dirtbags don’t quite seem to get this.

Anybody care to explain how they reach this conclusion? Are they saying people who were infected recovered yet are testing negative for the antibodies? And also, why are entire nursing homes only getting wiped out in areas where we know the virus is prevalent? If this was everywhere I would expect nursing homes would be getting wiped out everywhere, no?

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Yeah, I think you’re correct.