Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Fair enough. But he also said he was only kidding about that, if it’s the incident I’m thinking of when he “confessed” to also being a giant cuck living in his parents basement or whatever nonsense that was in the aftermath of the bet with BTM.

[quote=“Jbro, post:1128, topic:988, full:true”]f

I think it’s a mischaracterization to call anyone here a panicker.

But possibly they’ve been told to go back to work because their economy might be about to collapse?

If this isn’t a big deal why don’t you explain why huge cities were on lockdown in the first place?

My and your idea of a big deal are probably different. In the UK thousands die on the roads every year which seems to be the de facto yardstick for acceptable risk for the general public, so I wouldn’t even call say a thousand deaths here from this virus a particularly big deal, though of course it’s awful for anyone involved. Ymmv of course.

One sure fire way of self-collapsing their economy would be for them to withdraw measures taken to prevent the spread of a highly infectious virus in its major cities.

No, he uncharacteristically posted drunk once and admitted to trolling, then tried to retract the following day.

The official number of cases reported from China is confirmed cases, right? So only ones where samples test positive in the RT-PCR assay.

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A thousand total deaths? Sure no big deal. We will be there in a few days.

But if the numbers keep trending the way they were, we could be seeing a thousand deaths per day in the not too distant future. (And I say “were” with reservation, but the data the last few days could possibly be trending in a better direction.)

And no, I’m not in a panic. I’m calmly evaluating the limited information we have available while also admittedly trying to read the tea leaves (primarily related to China’s response to this), to some extent.

That’s sort of the point really. He’s a pure troll in a way I think many have trouble understanding. There is no point trying to suss out what he is or isn’t telling the truth about because he doesn’t care and it doesn’t matter. His only goal is keeping himself entertained with whatever bullshit he’s currently spewing under whatever his persona is. There is nothing else there. No agenda, no beliefs, just a disaffected misanthrope with nothing better to do with his time.


I specifically said the Uk as an example. Scale up as appropriate for the US and again for the whole world.

I peeped into BFI the other day and awice was griping because TS talked him out of making a massive investment in Tesla and it was just a chefskiss.jpg 2-2 moment. Just absurd that anyone takes him seriously, absurd that people actually take the investment advice of a troll, absurd that management lets him do this.


Not enough lols. I assumed after Trump won, awice would just never listen to anyone about anything. Super hilarious he’s taking advice from some schmoe RPing as a trader.

Agree with all but the point about the management. They have no scruples whatsoever and all they want is to maximise traffic while not damaging whatever they think remains of their reputation. TS keeps their shifty forums active.

Like I said, it gives me some comfort that my read on this aligns with that clown becuase he’s usually wrong. Hopefully nobody actually thinks I’m taking advice from or being influenced by his read.

Was he all-in on GILD or something?

People are locked up inside the factories.

Of course not. He’s reliably wrong about most things. If I woke up from a long term coma needing to vote on some critical issue I knew nothing about, at some point I’d check his posts before voting to make sure I was opposing him.

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If you are judging the situation based on the policies of local governments in China you know nothing. Full stop.

90% Victor was being sarcastic


Do you mean because you believe local govts in China are being overly conservative so they don’t end up being blamed for bad stuff later?

Is the Shanghai return to work the decision of local government? I thought it was Beijing’s call.

The volunteer mod of BFI doesn’t profit from any of this and doesn’t really care afaict. Maybe he’s privately been told to let TS stay, idk how these things work behind the scenes.

I think earlier he suggested local govts may be overly conservative to cover their ass, but that’s why I asked for clarification. I wasn’t sure if he was referring to that, or referring to some cities going back to work.