Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Sample size makes it uncertain and there’s a question mark over reporting accuracy so it’s hopeful but nothing more yet.

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Do you have a graph like this for deaths? I searched around a bit and cannot find the data for daily deaths or cumulative deaths by day.

Gathered this from a couple different sources. The last six or seven days look almost…suspiciously linear.



So the takeaway here is hope that chloroquine works because it’s relatively inexpensive and has been around forever whereas remdesivir is experimental and supplied on a compassionate use basis by the manufacturer?

Guys the outrage/freakout cycle has moved on. Coronavirus is old news. Fox and friends didn’t even mention this this week. Get over it and move on. Elections have consequences.


yeah and all 5 of those antivirals they tested seemed to work kinda. that’s good.

86 people died from coronavirus today. 12 percent of all the people who have died of this virus died today.

40000 men and women every day. Don’t fear the reaper

The important numbers are infections/deaths outside of Wuhan. You have to remember it had been spreading in Wuhan for weeks before they made it public and people started to be more careful. If places like Beijing and Shanghai stay at low numbers then this will be like SARS. The infected/deaths ratio is also way off as most young people won’t even notice the difference between this and a mild flu.

samuel butler said that every man is immortal. he may know he will die, but he can never know that he is dead.

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Maybe we’ll get some epic ribald literature out of this. Like how the plague gave us the Canterbury Tales.

I just flew back to Taiwan the other day and apart from a lot of people wearing masks everything is normal here, even at the airport. I’m staying here without a visa so they could’ve denied me entrance for no reason.

People here are concerned about the situation, but I wouldn’t say there is much in the way of fear.

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Too soon?

I know a few Americans around that age living in Wuhan. Wonder if it’s one of them.

It’s a translation, so who knows what context is being lost. Also, the Uyghurs might disagree.

Its actually a her, and way to shit on someone who is seeking medical attention for a deadly illness and has been sent to go somewhere and die. Seriously fuck you.

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If you click the tweet you can watch the video and see the chinese text. My Chinese is imperfect but AFAICT the translation is spot on.

Its depressing to note that the number of cases of Coronavirus in Xinjiang is being treated as a state secret.