Coronavirus (COVID-19)



Awaiting Elon Musks tweet that he could have done it quicker if they’d only asked him.


So good news, my son does not have Coronavirus.

However, he did manage to contract both influenza and strep throat at the same time.And now I’ve got something, so I assume my wife and other son will follow along shortly.



Not as well as anti-capitalism and authoritarianism.

I believe the Trots would call it ‘state capitalism’.

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Sounds like fascism. Maybe missing some elements? Though maybe not. China is certainly going after an ethnic minority. But certainly not communism.

With wholescale persecution of Muslim minorities maybe it is, though since Mao’s demise it lacks the cult of the leadership thing (I’m not sure how essential that is to fascism).

Edit ponied

Xi had himself declared President for life or something functionally equivalent, didn’t he? I think the official term for their system is now ‘Socialism with Chinese characteristics as duly modified by Xi Jinping thought’ or similar. So I suppose the cult-of-personality stuff is at least on sale, even if nobody’s buying it much.

Income tax is 20% for all but high-earners (total deductions amount to only about 25%) and if you need hospital treatment you have to pay some non-trivial % of the total cost yourself.

Also, if you lose your job and can’t find work you are FUBAR and reliant on family support, while in work you only get 5 days pa holiday, and sickness pay is minimal.

I don’t see many similarities with countries commonly called ‘socialist’ these days, ie parts of Scandinavia, or with socialist doctrine.

I don’t disagree, I’m just saying that’s what they call it AFAIK.

Yeah, I typed that quickly to avoid being ponied again and it came off wrong, sorry.

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Do the worrywarts ITT flip out this much every year over the flu? Because the flu figures to infect and kill way more people in America this year than coronavirus.

When international borders are being closed and cities of 11 million people being quarantined, it’s hard to say having concern is being a worry wort. I mean, unless you’re specifically talking about people that reported a case of sniffles and are worried that they have contracted Wuhan. I think those people are mostly joking?

Seasonal Flu has a mortality rate of somewhere between .01 and .1 percent, depending on what study or source you’re reading. This appears to have a mortality rate of 2-3 percent. Seasonal Flu has an R0 of 1.3. This, thus far, appears to have an R0 of around 2.5, plus or minus 1. Seasonal Flu is known, and there are vaccines for many strains. This is unknown and there is no vaccine. Seasonal flu has known antivirals such as tamiflu which can be used to treat it. This does not. There’s a reason people are reacting this way to this and not the seasonal flu.


China shut down another city, 500 miles from Wuhan. Wenzhou, population 9 million. Only one resident per household is allowed to go out once every two days to buy supplies. Coronavirus: China Puts Wenzhou City Under Lockdown As Deaths Cross 300

Yeah, this. When china is taking actions that are going to cost it’s economy tens of billions to hundreds of billions of dollars, I think we can safely assume that they, at least, have concluded that this is significantly more dangerous than the flu.

Understanding exponents is hard.

Got confused whether you were describing America or China, but then saw paid holidays and it was clear you were describing China.