Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The Chinese government see East and South East Africa is the next frontier, and there are historic links with some countries from the old CP days.

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Freight comes from rural areas. China needs raw materials not cities. They have plenty of their own cities.

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They are building MASSIVE amounts of infrastructure in Africa on loans and using chinese labor to do it. They’re planning on using that infrastructure to set up more trade and I think when these African countries can’t pay the crazy loans they use their countries resources as payment.

Basically while our democracy is crumbling they’re several steps ahead in their plans for global economic domination.


I mean they also built a ton of cities. I remember a bunch of shit on ghost cities a few years ago where they just built shit just to built it and hardly anyone lives there.

I’d actually kind of love to live in a ghost city with all my friends as long as there was enough people to keep shit running.


The Spanish government done that too in Spain and there still standing, massive structure’s for Spain… I guess the boom years just never planned out.

This book is well worth a read.

Massive infrastructure projects, often with Chinese labour, plus a ton of entrepreneurs and small traders that have followed. Both to serve the other Chinese and to sell cheap Chinese manufactures all over.

The book makes an argument that they tend to be more entrepreneurial and anti-authority than most, which is why they are there.


I hate this. I’ve just gotten sick, I know it’s just a cold but keep thinking the absolute worst.


Now imagine its your child and not you

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Even if it is worst case scenario, people shouldn’t panic and get paranoid. Stock up on food, water and medical supplies and be grateful that you’re in a priviliged position that you may actually be able to get through it relatively unscathed. Keep up with basic hygiene and try and avoid high risk situations. Also really important is to maintain a steady and positive mindset, particularly if you have kids, as this will help you get through the worst time. Kids pick up on parents worry so encourage them to wash their hands but don’t let your stress screw with their heads.


Yeah this thread has gotten deeply paranoid. I could understand being worried as hell if you lived in China, but there are more confirmed cases in Australia than there are in the US and we have like 1/13th the population or something, and my personal concern level is at 0.000.

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The normally level-headed jman losing his mind has infected the thread.


Aw shit, it’s now the sumo world has been infected:

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I think I’d swap WuHan for Brexit atm… :thinking: Time will tell though :roll_eyes:

Two coronavirus cases (a couple) confirmed in Adelaide. Being cared for at the Royal Adelaide Hospital approx 3 miles from where I am sitting. Personal concern level now 0.001.

Edit: They flew in on Jan 20, btw, so a while back. I continue to think that the probability of asymptomatic transmission has got to be pretty low. We’ll see if there’s suddenly a rash of new cases after a week or two.

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I think a lot of it depends on your situation. I think mostly people with young kids are scared.

I’m a little concerned because I take of my mom who is 69 and permanently on oxygen and almost died of pneumonia a little over a year ago.

If it was just me I wouldn’t give even the slightest of shits.

I’m also worried about the economy. Part of me hopes it takes Trump down, but I also know a ton of people in poverty would suffer badly.

I mean if it was a normal crash that was coming anyways I’d much rather it happen before the elections. but something like this is just extra suffering and that fucking sucks.

If I still did comedy I would high-five a bunch of people in the front row and then say I just flew in from Wuhan. It would be HILARIOUS DAMMIT


Build up to it with some stories about being bullied in the 80s.

300 deaths so far and the youngest was 36, this in a non first world country. Maybe these words come back to bite me, but I continue to think this is paranoid. Worry about your mom is reasonable, but I don’t think a US epidemic is going to happen.